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CanadianCanadian 4 Central Themes HistoryHistory.

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Presentation on theme: "CanadianCanadian 4 Central Themes HistoryHistory."— Presentation transcript:

1 CanadianCanadian 4 Central Themes HistoryHistory

2 Forging a Canadian Identity Canadians have frequently struggled to identify and define a unique Canadian identity.

3 Forging a Canadian Identity We will explore how the Canadian identity is forged from the contributions of a variety of cultural groups including a wide variety of regional, linguistic, ethnic, and religious communities.

4 Forging a Canadian Identity We will evaluate the role of federal government efforts to promote a Canadian identity using its programs and activities.

5 Forging a Canadian Identity As well, we will explore how Canada’s participation in international events, institutions, and agreements have contributed to Canada’s evolving identity.

6 The Impact of External Forces on Canada Canadians frequently feel as if we are controlled by external forces. We will assess the past influence of Great Britain and Europe on Canada’s participation in war and peacekeeping.

7 The Impact of External Forces on Canada As well, we will describe some of the ways in which American culture and politics have influenced Canada.

8 The Impact of External Forces on Canada In addition, we will analyse economic developments and international agreements and organizations that have contributed to the globalization of the Canadian economy.

9 The Impact of External Forces on Canada We will explore the impact in Canada of the experience and memory of the Holocaust and evaluate how international political trends or events have contributed to political challenges facing Canada.

10 French-English Relations Canadian experience is deeply influenced by the relationship between its two largest linguistic groups. We will explore how events in World War I and World War II created tensions between English Canada and Quebec.

11 French-English Relations We will also describe the major events that have contributed to the growth of Quebec nationalism and the separatist movement in Quebec. As well, we will analyse the changing relationship between English Canada and Quebec, with a focus on the political change.

12 Canada's Participation in War, Peace, and Security Central to the study of Canadian experience is Canada’s role in war, peace, and security. We will explore the causes, events, and effects of Canada’s participation in WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and peacekeeping.

13 Homework Read Text p. 60-65 Do Questions 1 - 3 65

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