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2 Minute Edit folk tales are storys that tell you abuot some charakters and their traits they are usually passed from generation to generation.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Minute Edit folk tales are storys that tell you abuot some charakters and their traits they are usually passed from generation to generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Minute Edit folk tales are storys that tell you abuot some charakters and their traits they are usually passed from generation to generation

2 The Ch’i-lin Purse Retold by Linda Fang

3 Title: The Ch’i-lin Purse Reading Goal: Genre Structures:Folktales Team Cooperation Goal: Explain Your Ideas/Tell Why Genre: Folktale Author: Retold by Linda Fang

4 Team Cooperation Goal Explain Your Ideas/Tell Why

5 legendary: famous Everyone in the town knew the legend of how the airplane came to sit In the town plaza, it was a famous story.

6 satisfied : fulfilled The student was satisfied with the way the painting turned out, she was fulfilled by her joy of finishing it that she hung it in her room.

7 annoyed: upset The cow was annoyed with the flies that were buzzing around, it made her so upset she used her tale as a swatter.

8 vain : unsuccessful The boy tried in vain to fix his computer but his attempts were unsuccessful that he gave up.

9 recommend : suggest “I recommend reading the manual before you start building the toy,” suggested the girl to the boy.

10 Seldom : rarely It seldom snows in Pacoima, if it did, it would be a rare occasion.

11 Review Vocabulary with Partner Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?

12 Vocabulary Vault

13 Listening Comprehension After reading Anansi’s Fishing Expedition… 1.What was the story about? 2.What happened so far? 3.Who is Anansi? 4.What is the problem of the story?

14 Building Background What has happened in the story so far? What are the main events in the plot so far? What would be a good questions up to this point? Who is Hsiang-ling?

15 Folktale “markers” How do you know when you are reading a folktale? Folktale Characteristics Stories that have been told through generations Characters have distinct traits Has a simple problem Teaches a moral lesson


17 Team Talk Questions 1.Why did the marriage procession stop? (CE) 2.Why did Hsiang-ling give away the purse? What does this show about her? (CH) 3.How did Hsiang-ling’s life change after the flood? 4.What is Hsiang-ling’s problem? How is this a characterization of a folktale? (PS-GS)

18 Partner Read- 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read and restate pages 194 & 195 Read page 196 & 197 silently Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words

19 Team Discussion-15minutes Discuss answers to team talk questions Team Talk discussion cards Write answers to question 1 and 4 If done early look at the Adventures in Writing

20 Class Discussion What words did your group clarify? What markers made it clear that this was in fact a folk tale?

21 Writing Adventures- 15 min Imagine you are Hsiang-ling. Would you give away the purse? Why or why not?

22 Scoring Guide You answer the question25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation10 points

23 Vocabulary Practice-10 min Divide your words with partner. Choose a word from your list to use in a meaningful sentence.

24 Fluency – 5 min Pg 192, paragraphs 4 and 5 Pg 193, paragraph 1

25 Fluency Rubric 100 pointsExpressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 pointsSmoothness Rate and correctness 80 pointsRate and correctness 70 pointsCorrectness

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