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51 st Meeting of the Pacific Island Health Officers Association November 14-18, 2011 Honolulu.

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Presentation on theme: "51 st Meeting of the Pacific Island Health Officers Association November 14-18, 2011 Honolulu."— Presentation transcript:

1 51 st Meeting of the Pacific Island Health Officers Association November 14-18, 2011 Honolulu

2 Meeting Purpose In light of the mandates of PIHOA Resolution 48-01, Declaring a Regional State of Health Emergency Due to the Epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands The purpose of the meeting is to assist PIHOA members (including health agencies and affliating regional organizations) with translating NCD policy mandates into concrete community action and a regional “mobilization framework.”

3 Key Objectives of the Meeting Assist PIHOA Affiliate Members and Health Agencies with developing and/or strengthening NCD mobilization plans that clearly identify their role, commitments and action that address the NCD epidemic, locally and regionally. Prepare chief health officers and other PIHOA members to identify, and successfully advocate for the passage of, NCD- related policy and regulations based on best practice and current research. Complete a three year PIHOA strategic plan which clearly identifies PIHOA’s role in the larger Regional Road Map for NCDs. Finalize the Regional NCD Road Map for the USAPI/PIHOA Member States begun at the 50 th PIHOA meeting in April 2011 in the Republic of Palau.

4 Expected Outputs Jointly developed NCD Regional Road Map  A mobilization framework, with defined roles and implementation steps  Contributions from affiliate organizations  Elements of a new 3-year strategic plan for PIHOA  (Incorporating and building on recommendations from the 50 th PIHOA meeting) Policy strategies for strengthening the region’s response to the NCD crisis

5 General outcomes Increased mutual awareness New opportunities for collaboration and coordination between partners Identification of gaps and redundancies in resources and programmatic focus Increased understanding of best practices in NCD policy

6 Agenda – Day 1 Opening ceremonies Recap of the 50 th PIHOA Meeting The “journey to now” – developments since the Emergency Declaration The case for a regional Mobilization Framework – identifying components, considering successful models, developing guiding principles

7 Agenda – Day 2 Presentations from each Affiliate Association Purpose is to clarify respective roles in the framework of the regional response to NCDs, and identify actions and strategies for inclusion in the Road Map Discussion will focus on:  Helpful suggestions to strengthen each plan  Opportunities for collaboration with other associations  Any offers of partnership or support

8 Agenda – Day 3 Panel presenting on other PIHOA priorities (USAPI Performance Improvement; Health Information Systems SWAT Team) Return to the Mobilization Framework – What is the right model? What modifications are needed? Plans for leadership and communication? Commencement of NCD policy and law workshop  The importance of key policy interventions  Overview of the benefits and effectiveness of key NCD-related interventions

9 Agenda – Day 4 Presentation of a draft Regional NCD Roadmap  Incorporating the Emergency Declaration and authoritative statements and recommendations  Mobilization framework, including leadership model, communication plan and implementation steps  Roles and commitments of key partners Conclusion of NCD policy and law workshop  Country presentations  Consideration of a policy and law summit  Defining technical assistance needs  Advising the PIHOA Secretariat on its role and needs

10 Agenda – Day 5 PIHOA Strategic Planning (closed session)

11 Protocols for the meeting Give respect to the collaborative process. We are in search of shared solutions to shared challenges. Actively listen to others and maintain focus on the agenda. Everyone deserves an opportunity to hear others and be heard; please keep individual comments brief so that multiple individuals have an opportunity to weigh in on a given question or topic. Comments made during meeting discussions are off the record and not for attribution. Participants are welcome to share their personal views and ideas regarding the meeting with others outside of this process. No participant should quote another participant or characterize their views outside of the meetings without her/his express permission, nor should they attempt to speak on behalf of the entire participant group unless authorized by the full group.

12 Protocols (continued) Please participate in the full meeting. If you cannot do so, please inform PIHOA staff or the facilitators prior to the meeting out of courtesy to other participants, invited presenters, and staff. Maintain a gadget-free zone. Please silence cell phones and other devices. Speak plainly. Please help the discussion to minimize jargon, recognizing that the participant group represents many sectors and disciplines.

13 Protocols (continued) Stay solution-oriented. It is assumed that all individuals participate in good faith and in search of clarity, insight and meaningful solutions to the stated public health problems. Ensure that those on the front line of response can speak and be heard. It is essential that PIHOA leadership and Pacific Islander staff participate actively and often in the deliberations.

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