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Thesis Breakdowns Time to start thinking about your research ideas!

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1 Thesis Breakdowns Time to start thinking about your research ideas!

2 WARNING! I will give you associative ideas in the following slides. Try and avoid at all cost repeating verbatim my examples. Can you use a word I have used? Certainly. Can you use everything exactly the way I have it? Certainly not. Originality is awesome.

3 Thesis Prompt #1 In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald characterizes (character) and (character) as (associationS) through color and light imagery. Two characters, at least two associations, at least one connecting color Choose two characters that have an abundance of color symbolism! Think about the BIGGER picture…what is the author trying to reveal through this color symbolism about society, wealth, American Dream, etc.? Think of how it ties to 1920s!

4 Thesis Prompt #2 F. Scott Fitzgerald weaves (color) and (color) throughout The Great Gatsby to present a contrast between the (association) of (character) and the (association) of (character). Two colors, two characters – each with a clear association Show contrast! How does the color of one character show him to be something that CONTRASTS the other color association of another character?

5 Thesis Prompt #3 In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s characterization of (character) and (character) as (similar association) demonstrates that (theme). Choose two characters that are SIMILAR Pick a theme that the similarity represents o Does their “insecurity” show that “outward appearances can be deceptive”? o Does their “hopefulness” show that “blind pursuit of an ideal is destructive”?

6 Thesis Prompt #4 In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s characterization of (character) as (association) contrasts that of (character) as (association), demonstrating that (theme). Choose two characters that CONTRAST Pick a theme that the contrast represents o Does one character’s “insecurity” contrast the “arrogance” of another to show that “wealth breeds corruption”? o Does one character’s “hopefulness” contrast the “ambivalence” of another to show that “attempts to recreate the past result in failure”?

7 Thesis Prompt #5 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of (symbol/motif) to represent the (association) of (character) demonstrates that (theme). Symbol = thing that represents an idea Motif = symbol or idea reoccurs throughout Symbol  idea/association  character connection  thematic claim. o Eggs represent the fragility and rottenness of old money in characters like Tom Buchanan, signifying that wealth breeds carelessness and corruption. (use may not use this thesis.)

8 Characters See characterization on board at back of class o Tom Buchanan o Daisy Buchanan o Jordan Baker o Nick Carraway o Jay Gatsby o Myrtle Wilson

9 Symbolism See breakdown on board in back of class & blue sheet pasted in your books Motifs/Symbols o The green light o Valley of Ashes o Cars o Water o Daisy’s voice o Eggs/Geography o Eyes of TJ Eckleburg Colors o Red o Blue o Green o Yellow/gold o Lavender o Brown/gray o White

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