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Learning Goals and Learning Scales

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1 Learning Goals and Learning Scales
PBMS – PLC – 1st Quarter Learning Goals and Learning Scales The “How-To” that helps give focus and purpose!

2 Agenda Today’s Learning Goal and Scale
DQs focusing on Learning Goals and Scales Why Learning Goals and Scales? Defining a Learning Goal Learning Goal vs. Daily Objective Learning Scale How to Develop a Learning Scale

3 Today’s Learning Goals
The teacher will be able to develop a set of priority learning goals that are aligned with Florida Assessments. The teacher will be able to develop a learning scale that aligns with the learning goal and daily objectives.

4 Learning Scale 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Scales are cross-curricular
Students are included in the creation of LG and scales 3.0 LG and Scales are based on FS LG and Scales are in student-friendly language Scales are specific to the LG Students are able to explain the LG and scale. Students are able to Track their progress Teacher is able to monitor students’ progress 2.0 1.0 Currently, I use the same scale for all Learning Goals 0.0 Even with help, no success.

5 DQ 1/ DQ 2/ DQ 3 Most classroom teacher evaluation systems have indicators that focus directly on proficiency in use of the instructional strategy on “Learning Goals with Scales”. (DQ 1) Those few that do not explicitly cite LG have other indicators or components that enable feedback on this strategy. (DQ 2 & DQ 3) The questions educators should ask is: “What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals to my students, track their progress toward their goals, and celebrate success?”

6 DQ 1 Communicating Learning Goals and Feedback
Providing Rigorous Learning Goals and Performance Scales Tracking Student Progress Celebrating Success Note the highlighted text. These are the changes made from previous years. Correct implementation REQUIRES teachers to use RIGOROUS learning goals. It also requires teachers to make sure that the scales are monitoring the students’ PERFORMANCE. Students must PROVE mastery, not just hold fingers in the air and say they have mastered the goal. (SEE and REVIEW pp. 1-2)

7 DQ 2/3 Looking at Design Questions 2 and 3, which of these components may be met by establishing Learning Goals and Scales in the classroom, with fidelity. DQ2: 6, 8, 9, 13. DQ 3: 14, 18, 20

8 Why Learning Goals and Learning Scales?
Learning targets convey to students the destination for the lesson, what to learn, how deeply to learn it, and exactly how to demonstrate their new learning…….. Without a precise description of where they are headed, too many students are “flying blind.”

9 Defining “Learning Goal”
Definition of Learning Goal:  A learning goal identifies what students will learn or be able to do as a result of teacher instruction. Learning Goals should ALWAYS be aligned to the standards being taught and assessed. Learning Goals should be student friendly when possible. Learning Goals should be referenced multiple times during a lesson. Suggested format: I can _________. I understand _________. I will be able to _________.

10 Daily Objective DQ 2 requires teachers to break content down in to “digestible bites.” Daily Objectives are stepping stones that help the students master the standard. Daily Objectives are a logical progression to mastering the standard. “A learning progression is a series of related learning goals that culminate in the attainment of a more complex learning goal.” ~Marzano So, a Daily Objective is the further breakdown of the learning goal into what the students will be expected to master by the end of the daily lesson.

11 Learning Goal vs. Daily Objective
Identifies what students will learn or be able to do over time and within a UNIT of instruction Should be met within 1-2 daily lessons Are created from state or national standards. Standard broken down into “digestible pieces” Over-Arching/ General Day-to-Day curricular targets that scaffold with escalating complexity and align with the difficult levels of a taxonomy and formal scale

12 Learning Goal vs. Daily Objective
Learning Goal: I will be able to compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic. Daily Objectives IWBAT identify the main idea and supporting details about ______ presented in the video ____. IWBAT summarize the information about ___ in the video ____. IWBAT summarize the information about ____ on pp. ____ in the textbook. IWBAT compare and contrast information about ______ from the _____ video with information on pp. ____-______ in the textbook. IWBAT summarize the results of the experiment on ____________. Do you see how this is a logical progression to meet the final goal?

13 Why Learning Scales? The teacher is able to track students’ performances as they progress on a continuum from their initial exposure to mastery of content or procedures related to a learning goal. Students are able to track their own performance along the same continuum. Students need to be able to recognize when they have achieved the goal. Scales demystify what students need to know, understand, and be able to do, in order to master essential content.

14 Effective Learning Scales
Scales SHOULD be: Related to the Learning Goal/ Daily Objective Easy for the students to access Written in student-friendly language(when appropriate) Referenced during the lesson Changed often to match the Learning Goal/Daily Objective Students SHOULD be able to: Explain the meaning of the levels of performance Describe what level of performance they have achieved and how they know that level was achieved.

15 Learning Scale A Scale is a Continuum 4.0
Application of a much more complex version of the goal 3.0 Mastery of the Goal/Objective 2.0 Comprehension of sub skills needed 1.0 Recognition and Recalling of information 0.0 Even with help, no success. 4.0 : NO “ I Can teach this”. This is viewed as a substandard level 4 mastery.

16 Example Learning Goal and Scale
Learning Goal: Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g. how a bill becomes a low) 4.0 I am able to explain why this process is necessary in the democratic process. 3.0 I am able to identify the key steps in the process of how a bill comes a law in the correct order. 2.0 I can identify the key steps in the process of how a bill becomes a law, but I still need to work on putting them in order 1.0 I can explain the difference between a “bill” and a “law”, but, I still need help identifying the key steps in how a bill becomes a law. 0.0 I cannot identify the key steps in the process. I cannot explain the difference between a “bill” and a “law”. Notice how a level 4.0 requires application of the knowledge and DOK 4 level reasoning.

17 How to Develop Learning Scales
Begin with the end in mind. KNOW what you want the students to be able to accomplish at the end of the day/unit. A scale format: 0.0: Even with help, no success 1.0 : Representative of the assistance needed or basic knowledge a student demonstrates 2.0: A simpler goal. One that needs to be met before mastering the goal. (Remember, this is a logical progression. What knowledge is needed to master the goal?) 3.0: The target goal is placed here. This is your learning goal/ daily objective 4.0: A more complex comprehension and application of the target goal.

18 Activity Choose one of your standards.
Create a daily objective based on that standard. Create a 4.0 scale based on the daily objective

19 Final Words on Goals and Scales
Make sure Learning Goals/ Daily Objectives/ Learning Scales are: Aligned with the standards being taught Referenced multiple times during a lesson Written in student-friendly language Explained to, and by, students Rigorous and focus on student performance as well as knowledge acquisition Not written as “I can teach this” at a 4.0 level Changed as Goals are met

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