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Community-based Disaster Information Management Dr. Shu-Ching Chen Professor School of Computing and Information Sciences, FIU

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Presentation on theme: "Community-based Disaster Information Management Dr. Shu-Ching Chen Professor School of Computing and Information Sciences, FIU"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community-based Disaster Information Management Dr. Shu-Ching Chen Professor School of Computing and Information Sciences, FIU Email: Chair, Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC), IEEE Computer Society Member, Steering Committee, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

2 Outline Community-based Projects  Business Continuity Information Network (BCIN)  Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM)  An Interactive 3D Visualization System for Hurricane Storm Surge

3 Business Continuity Information Network (BCIN) A web based software that helps the County Business Recovery Program communicate, share information and collaborate on disaster events with the private sector Help the businesses to better assess the impact to the community and help business find resources to recovery faster Provide a gathering place for businesses to report on available resources (products/services) they can provide Collect information about damage in the community immediately following disaster event And much more…

4 BCIN - Track the status of critical services over multiple counties

5 BCIN - Build a Broad Partnership Four Counties EOC (Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Monroe) More than 150 companies (IBM, AT&T, FloridaFIRST, Wal- Mart, etc.) FEMA Private Sector Office Recognized BCIN under successful models and best practices in public-private partnerships Community Activities: Joint county exercises (March and May 2008) Miami-Dade EM Business Recovery Program Training (2009) Private-Public partnership in Palm Beach County (2010) Statewide Hurricane Exercise

6 Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM) Developed by a multi-disciplinary team of experts in the fields of meteorology, wind and structural engineering, computer science, statistics, finance, and actuarial science Simulate and project how, where and when, hurricanes form, their wind field and intensity, their track, how winds interact with different types of structures, and how much expected insured loss damage they can cause The first and the only public hurricane projection model

7 FPHLM - Impact on Community & Industry Model employed by Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) in homeowner insurance rate-making policy (critical issue for Floridians) Enables OIR to use an open and public model developed without the influence from either the industry or state regulators 315 runs of the model requested by OIR for rate filing Insurance companies have requested runs of the model 40 times

8 An Interactive 3D Visualization System for Hurricane Storm Surge Integration and Visualization System (Storm Surge + Meteorological + Topographical + Road Data)

9 Community Outreach Two videos covering a 42-hour period as a category 5 hurricane passes over the city of Tampa, FL, with winds that reach a peak velocity of 146.88 mph and a max. storm surge height of 27.13 feet have been showcased by the Tampa NWS at: Press conference at the Hillsborough County EOC on May 14, 2010 Hurricane Kickoff Meeting for Critical Employees of the TSA at the Tampa Intl. Airport Presentation at the Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference University of Tampa Emergency Preparedness meeting on June 2, 2010 Etc.

10 Student Achievements Student Achievements: Chengcui Zhang Associate Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham (2004) Min Chen Assistant Professor, University of Montana (2007) Jianhua Yan, Software Engineer, eBay (2007) Na Zhao Assistance Vice President, State Street Corporation (2007) Kasturi Chatterjee Software Engineer, LinkedIn (2010) Fausto Fleites 2010 Top Technology Student of the Year (GMCC) The Outstanding Graduate Award for Undergraduate Study (2009) Student Engagement: Student internships at Miami- Dade EM (BCIN) PhD/Undergrad. development teams (BCIN, FPHLM, Animation) Allow students take proactive role and propose ideas and solutions Fausto Fleites began to lead the FPHLM as an undergraduate Jairo Pava leads Storm Visualization System

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