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Hybridization of Carbon

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1 Hybridization of Carbon

2 Carbon has 6 electrons Ground state orbital fill diagram of Carbon
2p According to this electron configuration carbon has only 2 lone electrons available for bonding.

3 However, it is known that when carbon has 4 single bonds in a compound , those bonds are identical and spaced evenly apart. Carbon will absorb energy when bonding and the electrons will move into an excited state.

4 Excited state orbital fill diagram of Carbon
Carbon still has 6 electrons, but one of the s electrons “jumps” to a higher energy level. 1s 2s 2p According to this electron configuration carbon now has 4 electrons available for bonding.

5 Excited state orbital fill diagram of Carbon
2p This excited state configuration has 2 different types of orbitals, so if carbon bonded in this state, it would NOT have 4 equivalent bonds.

6 In 1931 Linus Pauling proposed HYBRIDIZATION, which explains HOW carbon forms 4 equivalent bonds; it does not explain WHY. The s and p orbitals hybridize, forming a new type of orbital called an sp. The 4 indicates that there are 4 bonds…1 came from the s and 3 came from the p. 1s 4sp3

7 Boron is another element that will hybridize
*Boron is another element that will hybridize. It will form 3 equivalent bonds. Its hybridization is 3sp2. *Write the ground state orbital fill diagram. *Write excited state orbital fill diagram. *Write the orbital fill diagram for 3sp2.

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