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Name: Merritt Woods Rhingertah. Habitat of my Animal Grasslands of Africa Too dry to be a forest, too wet to be a desert What does it take to survive?

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Merritt Woods Rhingertah. Habitat of my Animal Grasslands of Africa Too dry to be a forest, too wet to be a desert What does it take to survive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Merritt Woods Rhingertah

2 Habitat of my Animal Grasslands of Africa Too dry to be a forest, too wet to be a desert What does it take to survive? Enough food and water

3 More Information on Habitat Lion in camouflage


5 Animal Adaptations What type of animal adaptations are needed to survive here? This animal must be very, very, fast This animal needs camouflage

6 My Animal

7 Evidence Fast, loves to run Camouflaged, so it can’t be seen by predators and eaten Big, so it can’t be bossed around by other animals Dry grass, for food

8 Citations imal.htm imal.htm

9 IT is not over yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Gorzetah (I call him Mo)

11 Still not over!!!!!!!!!

12 See you later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 Tricked you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 Good bye!!!!

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