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Hrushikesh Chavan Younggyun Cho Structural Fault Tolerance for SOC.

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1 Hrushikesh Chavan Younggyun Cho Structural Fault Tolerance for SOC

2 Motivation Introduction BISER FF & Razor FF FITO Implementation Simulation result Conclusion Future work Agenda

3 Motivation Number of transistors increasing Cramming more components in a single Chip Device parameters are not as intended by the designer SoC design more vulnerable to internal and external noise Important to design a fault tolerant circuit

4 Introduction Transient Fault Temporary faults in flip-flop or latch or any memory cell (SEU) Temporary faults in a combinational circuit (SET)

5 Introduction Single Event Upset (SEU) Another name of Soft Error Changing state Ionizing radiations Electromagnetic interference

6 Introduction Soft Error Fault Tolerant System Detect and correct the soft errors [Mitra-05]

7 Introduction How to make the fault tolerant circuits? Redundancy Hardware & Time BISER FF & Razor FF

8 BISER FFs Built-In Soft Error Resilience C-element Four Latches [Ravindran-09]

9 BISER FFs C-element []

10 BISER FFs C-element with four latches [Ravindran-09] Transparent 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

11 Razor FFs Razor FF [Ravindran-09]

12 Razor FFs How to select CLK Delay The shortest path is more than CLK delay Time violation can corrupt the system More buffers on the path can prevent

13 Working of Razor F/F (Fault in Sequential Part) 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1

14 Working of Razor F/F (Fault in Combinational Part) 0 0 1 01 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

15 FITO Fault Injection Tool High observability and controllability A key to evaluating fault-tolerant techniques

16 FITO Synthesizable bit-flip fault model [Reddy-13]

17 Implementation Implemented 5 Stage Pipeline to test BISER and Razor flop. Pipeline implements ADD, ADDI, SUB, AND, OR, SLL, LW, SW, BEQ, JUMP and HLT. Replaced ID/EX and EX/MEM flops with fault tolerant flops. Executed 4 test benches to test the system.

18 Pipelined Processor Architecture

19 Tools Verilog HDL Synopsis Design Vision

20 Testing Methodology Clock Period ~ 20ns Clock Delay ~ 4ns (for Razor F/F) Transient fault duration < 4ns Number of faults injected/iteration = 5 Random duration between two consecutive faults.

21 Circuit Modifications with FITO (BISER)

22 Circuit Modifications with FITO (Razor)

23 Simulation and Results INDIVIDUAL AREA AND POWER

24 Area and Power after 2 Pipelines Swapped with BISER and Razor F/F

25 Performance for Normal Operation

26 Performance with BISER F/F

27 Performance with RAZOR F/F

28 Project implemented two types of fault tolerant design techniques. Choice of design application specific. Both techniques efficient and practical to design systems. Conclusion

29 Future Work Reduce cost due to latches. Implement Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for Razor. Hybrid Flop Fault Tolerance for Memories

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