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G OD ’ S D IVIDING L INE John 3:1-5. “B EING B ORN A GAIN ” John 3:3-5 The only way to enter the kingdom of heaven. An abused term in the religious world.

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Presentation on theme: "G OD ’ S D IVIDING L INE John 3:1-5. “B EING B ORN A GAIN ” John 3:3-5 The only way to enter the kingdom of heaven. An abused term in the religious world."— Presentation transcript:

1 G OD ’ S D IVIDING L INE John 3:1-5

2 “B EING B ORN A GAIN ” John 3:3-5 The only way to enter the kingdom of heaven. An abused term in the religious world. Can we understand?

3 W ATER B IRTH ? Physical birth? Spirit leads to the water. Figurative language. –John 7:7-10 –John 7:37,38

4 W HY M ISUNDERSTOO D ? To avoid the subject of baptism. Truth saves; error causes one to be lost. False concept of the spiritual birth. –Isaiah 55:8-11 –Galatians 1:6-9

5 F LOOD A CCOUNT Genesis 6-9 Person —Noah Water —The flood Blessing — Salvation, in the ark, for Noah and his family.

6 N OAH F OUND G RACE Genesis 6:8 Faith in God— Hebrews 11:7 Obedience— Genesis 6:22 Justification— Romans 5: 1 Salvation— 1 Peter 3:20,21

7 T HE D IVIDING L INE … Noah was saved. The ungodly perished. What was God’s dividing line ? –WATER !

8 N ATION OF I SRAEL Exodus 14:14-31 Person— Nation of Israel Water— The Red Sea Blessing—Physical salvation from Egyptian bondage.

9 L IFE OF M OSES Thre e 40-year periods. God chose Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. Egypt was in hot pursuit. The Israelites wanted to go back. The Lord fought for them.

10 T HE D IVIDING L INE … God saved the nation of Israel. The Egyptians who sought to bring them back to Egypt died. What was God’s dividing line? WATER !

11 N AAMAN THE S YRIAN 2 Kings 5:1-15 Person— Naaman Water— Jordan River Blessing— Cleansing from leprosy

12 N AAMAN AND E LISHA Naaman--a commander in the Syrian army. A leper. The Israelite maiden. Elisha--God’s prophet. Naaman became angry! He followed Elisha’s instructions.

13 T HE D IVIDING L INE … Water cleansed Naaman’s leprosy. Failure to follow instructions left him a leper. What was God’s dividing line?-- WATER !

14 T HE B LIND M AN John 9:1-34 Person— The Blind Man Water— Pool of Siloam Blessing— Cured of blindness

15 J ESUS H EALED Blind from birth. Jesus anointed his eyes. Commanded to wash in the pool of Siloam. He obeyed, and he could see!

16 T HE D IVIDING L INE … Jesus instructions provided a remedy. Obedience by washing in the pool gave him his sight. What was God’s dividing line? WATER !

17 T HE A LIEN S INNER Acts 8:26-39 Person— Ethiopian eunuch Water— Baptism Blessing— salvation through Christ’s blood.

18 W HAT C HANGED ? Hiscox Baptist Manual. Infant baptism. Sinner’s Prayer. Faith only. Baptism to enter an organization.

19 W HAT S AITH THE S CRIPTURES ? Romans 6:3,4 Colossians 2:11-13 2 Corinthians 5:17 Mark 16:16 Galatians 3:27 1 Peter 3:21

20 G OD ’ S P LAN Hearing— Romans 10:17 Belief— John 8:24 Repentence— Acts 17:30 Confession— Romans 10:9,10 Baptism— Acts 2:38

21 Concluding Thoughts… What is the spiritual birth? Man must be born again. What is God’s dividing line for this birth? WATER ! Isn’t that simple?

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