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Circles: Arc Length and Sector Area

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Presentation on theme: "Circles: Arc Length and Sector Area"— Presentation transcript:

1 Circles: Arc Length and Sector Area
Know and apply properties of a circle to solve problems and logically justify results.

2 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?
Lesson Obj: IWBAT find an arc length or sector area of a circle. Recall Circles Definition of a circle Radius Diameter Circumference Area

3 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?
Parts of a circle How do you calculate circumference? What if I only wanted part of that?

4 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?

5 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?
To solve divide the angle by 360 and multiply by the circumference. Calculate the arc length of this circle.

6 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?
Arc Length Sector Area Finding part of the circumference Never looking inside the circle No area only length (label is not squared) Finding part of the area of a circle Only looking inside the circle Answer is an area, should be squared

7 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?
For an arc = 𝜃 360 2𝜋𝑟 For a sector area = 𝜃 360 𝜋 𝑟 2

8 Find the sector area in this problem
Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle? Find the sector area in this problem Find the area here.

9 Guiding Question: How can I find part of a circumference or part of a circle?
Assignment: Arc length and Sector Area packet

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