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4.3 – Logarithmic functions

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1 4.3 – Logarithmic functions
Target Goals: Use the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions to change them into the opposite form Evaluate logarithms with and without a calculator. Solve logarithmic equations

2 Exponential vs. Logarithmic form
Exponential Form Logarithmic Form

3 Ex 1) Change each exponential expression to an equivalent expression involving a logarithm:

4 Ex 2) Change each logarithmic expression to an equivalent expression involving an exponent:

5 Ex 3) Find the exact value of each:

6 Domain and Range of Log functions!
Domain of a logarithmic function = range of the exponential function = (0,∞) Range of a logarithmic function = domain of the exponential function = (-∞, ∞) Ex 4) Find the domain of each logarithmic function:

7 Properties of a Logarithmic Function:
The domain is the set of positive real numbers; the range is all real numbers. The x-intercept of the graph is 1. There is no y-intercept. The y-axis (x = 0) is a vertical asymptote of the graph. A logarithmic function is decreasing if 0 < a < 1 and increasing if a > 1. The graph of f contains the points (1, 0), (a, 1) and (1/a, -1). The graph is smooth and continuous, with no corners or gaps or holes.

8 Ex 5) Solve the following equations:

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