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  chimney [' ʧɪ mn ɪ ]  tunnel ['t ʌ n( ə )l]  chimney sweep [' ʧɪ mn ɪˌ swi ː p]  orphan [' ɔː f( ə )n]  cotton ['k ɔ t( ə )n]  factory ['fækt(

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Presentation on theme: "  chimney [' ʧɪ mn ɪ ]  tunnel ['t ʌ n( ə )l]  chimney sweep [' ʧɪ mn ɪˌ swi ː p]  orphan [' ɔː f( ə )n]  cotton ['k ɔ t( ə )n]  factory ['fækt("— Presentation transcript:



3   chimney [' ʧɪ mn ɪ ]  tunnel ['t ʌ n( ə )l]  chimney sweep [' ʧɪ mn ɪˌ swi ː p]  orphan [' ɔː f( ə )n]  cotton ['k ɔ t( ə )n]  factory ['fækt( ə )r ɪ ]  thread [θred]  truck [tr ʌ k]  coal [k ə ul]  mine [ma ɪ n]  master ['m ɑː st ə ]  wage [we ɪʤ ] труба тоннель трубочист сирота хлопок фабрика нить тележка уголь шахта хозяин заработная плата

4   Chimney sweep  Orphans  Cotton factories  Factory  Coal  Cruel  Adult  Master  Truck Special mean used to transport big and heavy subjects Places where cotton is used to make material Very angry and hurtful The boss or the owner The one who cleans chimneys A hard black material used as fuel A place where different products are made People over the age of 18 Children who don’t have parents

5   Where did children work in Victorian times?  Why could children clean the narrow chimneys?  What work did they do in cotton factories?  What did children do in coal mines?  They worked for very high wages, didn’t they?  How did Lord Shaftesbury help poor children?  Do you think it was right for children to do these kinds of jobs? Why?  Would you do any off these jobs? Why?

6  HeadingNote working conditions working hours jobs wages masters

7   Children in Victorian … worked as ….  Also they worked in … and in coal ….  They pushed … of coal and opened … to let ….  The … were cruel.  The made children to work … … for low….  Lord Shaftesbury … children and … free … for poor children.

8   In good old Queen Victoria's day Industrial revolution Bosses said 'Please, we need more employees' We needed a solution Who will climb our chimneys? Who will power our grids? Victorian families to desperately poor They'll let us employ their kids for Work, terrible work From very young ages Up chimneys to clean Paid pitiful wages Work, terrible work Pins make you work faster If we grow too big Get sacked by the master! Now you're all in my employ Cleaning in the factory We're not very strong And the hours are long This work is unsatisfactory! [ Lyrics from: ] Learn not to get caught in spokes Or trap our hands in gages To stop machines and get you out Will cost you a week's wages! Work, terrible work There's no health and safety So if we get hurt

9   Children’s work in cotton factories was ….  Chimney sweeps had to be ….  Children in mines pushed ….  Masters made children work ….  Lord Shaftesbury started …. Read the text and complete the sentences…


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