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Introduction Lecture Prepared by Dr. Mahmoud Bassiouny.

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1 Introduction Lecture Prepared by Dr. Mahmoud Bassiouny

2 University Pharos Faculty Engineering Programme Specification A- Basic Information 1- Programme title: Mechanical Engineering 2- Programme type: B. Sc. 3- Department Mechanical Engineering 4- Coordinator Dr. Mahmoud Bassiouny

3 214 – Tue from 8:30 to 11:20 Lecture: E 214 – Tue from 8:30 to 11:20 – Mon from 8:30 to 9:20 Tutorial: E 226 – Mon from 8:30 to 9:20 Tue from 11:30 to 12:20 Instructor: Dr. Mahmoud Bassiouny Room: Room: E223 Office hours: Office hours: Tue (from 12 30 to 2), Assistant: Eman Mohey El-Deen Room Room : E 209 e-mail: Office hours: Mon– from 9:30 to 11:20 Office hours: Mon– from 9:30 to 11:20 Wed– from12:30 to 2:20 Wed– from12:30 to 2:20 Prerequisites : Thermodynamics (1)(ME 230) Course code: (ME 240) Course title: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (1)

4 1-Course Aim: Introducing the student to the: * Need of refrigeration systems in different applications. * Reversed Carnot (Ideal) cycle and the vapor compression cycle (VCC). * Main components of the VCC. * Losses encountered in Actual VCC. * Multi-stage compressors, condensers, evaporators, expansion valves, and flash tanks. * Cooling load calculations. * Psychometric chart. * Moist air psychometric processes. *Air conditioning cycles. * Cooling load calculations.

5 2-Intended Learning outcomes (ILOs): a- Knowledge and understanding: 1.Describe different refrigeration systems and the use of each. 2.Describe basic design features of vapor compression cycle and show how to choose the proper refrigerant. 3.Describe modifications in the vapor compression cycle to suit different applications. 4.Describe refrigerating (Cooling) load calculations. 5.Describe properties of Psychometric chart and how to use it. 6.Describe different processes of moist air and how to calculate its properties. 7.Describe characteristics of different air conditioning cycles.. 8. Describe the different elements which contribute sensible and latent heat gain to the cooling load estimation.

6 b- Intellectual skills Demonstrate a range of practical and general skills in the area of refrigeration and air conditioning. Examine the capability to perform engineering analysis. Solve problems and discuss solutions. Calculate compressor work. Determine the condenser heat rejection. Determine the evaporator heat gain Select proper refrigerant. Examine the performance of the expansion device. Determine the refrigeration effect and cycle coefficient of performance. c- Professional and practical skills Select the proper refrigerant for a certain application. Select the proper vapor compression cycle to carry the required refrigerating load.

7 Compare moist air properties using Wet and Dry bulb Temperatures. Differentiate between the proper air conditioning process for a certain application. Design the air conditioning processes on the psychometric chart for a certain system Analyze the cooling load required for an air conditioning system d- General and transferable skills Logic thinking and capability of data analysis. Communication with the others. Team work skills. Experience of report writing and presentation, and self management. Internet surfing

8 4– Teaching and learning methods * Lectures and Exercises * White board presentation. * Class and tutorial activities. * Answering and raising questions during office hours 5- Student assessment methods Reports and assignments Quizzes Written Exams Final exam 6-Course assessment: Mid-Term Examination …………………………..… 30 % Quizzes ………………………...……………………..…… 10 % Other types of assessments &H.Ws………..…. 10 % Final-Term Examination: ………………………….… 50 %

9 7-1 Reference Books: * Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, W.F. Stoecker and J.W. Jones, McGraw Hill, 1982. * Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, C.P. Arora, Tata McGraw Hill, 1982. 7-2 Periodicals, Web Sites,..., etc: * ASHREA handbook and Journals. * ASME Journals. * International Journal of Heat and mass transfer. *International Journal of Refrigeration *ASHRAE Transactions * Energy and enviroment. * Energy.

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