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Topics that covered Agile Software Development.

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2 Topics that covered Agile Software Development.
The Crystal Methodologies. The roles needing to separate people. The policy standards. Crystal Clear. XP and Crystal Clear are related to each other in a certain way . References

3 Agile Software Development
In general, Agile methodologies value a flexible process receptive to change rather than a rigorous process encumbered by a predefined rules and limitations. The points of the Agile Manifesto sum up the philosophies behind all Agile methods: Individuals and interactions over process and tools . Working software over comprehensive documentation . Customer collaboration over contract negotiation . Responding to change over following a plan. Agile development itself is a philosophy rather than a process, but has spawned a number of Agile development methodologies, such as Crystal family, Scrum, DSDM, as well as the most well-defined Agile process, eXtreme Programming (XP)

4 The Crystal Methodologies
"The Crystal Methodologies", created by Alistair Cockburn, in 1992 and named "Crystal" in 1997 Crystal is a family of human-powered and adaptive, ultralight, "shrink-to-fit" software development methodologies. Three samples are presented: 1) Crystal Clear (6 project members and non-critical). 2) Crystal Orange (40 people) ) Crystal Orange Web (50 people and ongoing development).

5 Crystal Clear Crystal Clear does require project documentation to be created and is a highly optimized way to use a small, co-located team, prioritizing for safety in delivering a satisfactory outcome, efficiency in development, and habitability of the working conventions. Crystal Clear is the most tolerant, low-ceremony, small-team methodology that still works. It contains those elements claimed by my interviewees to be the cause of their success: Focus on close seating and close communication Frequent delivery Information from real users Code-versioning tools

6 The roles needing separate people are
Sponsor Senior designer-programmer Designer-programmer User (part-time at least) The most important tools the team can own, besides a compiler, are these: A versioning and configuration-management system A printing whiteboard

7 The policy standards are that :
Software is delivered incrementally and regularly. Progress is tracked by milestones There is some amount of automated regression testing of application function . There is direct user involvement . There are two user viewings per release . Downstream activities start as soon as upstream is "stable enough to review" . Product- and methodology-tuning workshops are held at the start and middle of each increment .

8 References :

9 Prepared by: - Sara Al-Ofaisan - Shurooq Al-Saleh - Arwa Al-Awajy
- Faten Al-Rashid - Rasha Al Subih

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