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Bioswales Hands-on activity Earth and Space Science Full lesson –Step 1: Reading activity –Step 2: Explore available materials –Step 3: Design a Bioswale.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioswales Hands-on activity Earth and Space Science Full lesson –Step 1: Reading activity –Step 2: Explore available materials –Step 3: Design a Bioswale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioswales Hands-on activity Earth and Space Science Full lesson –Step 1: Reading activity –Step 2: Explore available materials –Step 3: Design a Bioswale

2 Bioswales:Your Group Packet Lesson Plan Vocab Alert! Article Exploration Activity Class Data Table Data Analysis Activity Data Table, Completed Design Activity Our focus today

3 Bioswales: Today’s Activity Read the Bioswales article. Use the Design Activity handout to –Fill in the criteria, priorities, and constraints sections. –Sketch two possible design for a miniature Bioswale. –Build a prototype of one of the designs. –Test it.

4 Bioswales Design Sharing What science concepts are involved? What factors made your filter work better or worse? What different designs did you see and which ones seemed the most effective? Why?

5 Design Sharing (continued) What happened when more filter material or layers were added? Did the order of the filters seem to make a difference? What general conclusions can we make about creating an effective bioswale?

6 Design Sharing (continued) What was the most difficult part of this activity? What could be done to improve it?

7 Small Group Discussion What are some of the characteristics of the Engineering Design process? How does the Engineering Design Process differ from Science Inquiry? What are some of the benefits to using the Engineering Design when it comes to student learning?

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