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Cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking1 Controlling Backtracking : Cuts

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Presentation on theme: "Cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking1 Controlling Backtracking : Cuts"— Presentation transcript:

1 cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking1 Controlling Backtracking : Cuts

2 Motivation Efficiency by preventing needless backtracking –Cf. CFL Parsing Lookaheads vs Backtracking vs Dynamic programming Avoiding duplicates or resatisfaction Prolog as programming language –Tailoring control strategy cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking2

3 Efficiency Cut Preventing backtracking when faced with mutually disjoint cases sign(X, positive) :- X > 0. sign(X, negative) :- X < 0. sign(X, zero). cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking3

4 (cont’d) Good use of cut if declarative reading preserved In general, reordering of clauses may not preserve the declarative meaning. sign(X, positive) :- X > 0, !. sign(X, negative) :- X < 0, !. sign(X, zero). cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking4

5 Green Cut vs Red Cut A use of a cut which improves only efficiency of a program, without altering its declarative meaning, is referred to as a green cut. –In practice, prunes away irrelevant proofs, or proofs bound to fail. –In practice, use them when mutually exclusive cases occur, or if non-determinism can be minimized. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking5

6 Green Cut vs Red Cut A use of a cut that alters the declarative meaning of a program is referred to as a red cut. –In practice, eliminates unwanted logical solutions Note that mature Prolog implementations index clauses for a predicate on the principal functor of the first argument in the head of a clause thereby reducing non-determinism. pf p(f(_),_,_) :- q1(…), …, qn(…). cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking6

7 Implementing Conditional “p(x) :- if c(x) then r(x) else q(x)” p(X) :- c(X), !, r(X). p(X) :- q(X). In this case, reordering of clauses changes the meaning. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking7

8 Avoiding Duplicates member(X,[X|L]) :-!. member(X,[_|L]) :- member(X,L). Without cut, the goal ?- member(a, [a, a, a]) will succeed thrice. Note that with cut member -predicate cannot be used to generate/enumerate elements in a list. That is, invertibility is destroyed. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking8

9 Bugs with Cuts min(X, Y, X) :- X =< Y,!. min(X, Y, Y). Flaw: the goal ?- min(3,6,6) does not fail. Reason: min(3,6,6) does not unify with min(X,Y,X). Fix : change first rule to: min(X, Y, Z) :- X =< Y,!,Z = X. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking9

10 Effect of Cut Matching Rule: H :- B1, B2, …, Bm,!, …, Bn. Goal: ?-G. When “!” is encountered, the bindings for variables in goals B1, …,Bm, and G are frozen. That is, alternate solutions to B1, …, Bm, and remaining alternatives for G are discarded. Note that the ordering of body literals and clauses becomes significant in the presence of cut. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking10

11 Effect of Cut p(X) :- q(X), r(X), !, s(X). p(d). Declarative Reading (ignoring cut): { p(d)} Procedural reading (using cut): { p(d)} ?- p(X). -> one solution ?- p(a). -> no ?- p(d). -> yes cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking11

12 Effect of Cut p(X) :- q(X), r(X), !, s(X). p(d). Additional Facts: {q(a),r(a),s(a)} Declarative Reading : { p(a), p(d)} Procedural reading : { p(a)} ?- p(X). -> X = a ?- p(a). -> yes ?- p(d). -> yes cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking12

13 (cont’d) p(X) :- q(X), r(X), !, s(X). p(d). Additional Facts: {q(b),s(b)} Declarative Reading (ignoring cut): { p(d)} Procedural reading (using cut): { p(d)} ?- p(X). -> X = d ?- p(a). -> no ?- p(d). -> yes cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking13

14 (cont’d) p(X) :- q(X), r(X), !, s(X). p(d). Additional Facts: {q(c),r(c)} Declarative Reading : { p(d)} Procedural reading : { } ?- p(X). -> no ?- p(c). -> no ?- p(d). -> yes cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking14

15 (cont’d) p(X) :- q(X), r(X), !, s(X). p(d). Additional Facts: {q(a),r(a),s(a), q(b),r(b),s(b)} ?- p(X). Declarative Reading (ignoring cut): { p(a), p(b), p(d)} Procedural reading (using cut): { p(a)} cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking15

16 Disadvantages of Cut Destroys the declarative reading : Need to know the behavior of the interpreter to understand the meaning (“side-effects”) p :- a, b. p :- c. p :- a, !, b. p :- c. p :- a, !, b. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking16

17 Conditional vs Cut tp(X,Y) :- q(X) -> r(Y) ; s(Y). tp(m,m). tp(n,n). is not equivalent to sp(X,Y) :- q(X),!,r(Y). sp(X,Y) :- s(Y). sp(m,m). sp(n,n). q(a). q(c). r(e). r(f). s(g). s(h). cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking17

18 (cont’d) ?- tp(X,Y). X = a Y = e X = a Y = f X = m Y = m X = n Y = n –Local cut ?- sp(X,Y). X = a Y = e X = a Y = f –sp-goal is not resatisfied for sp-facts because of the cut. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking18

19 Other uses of Cut Implementing default or otherwise clause. a(X,Y) :- p1(X), !, q1(X,Y). … a(X,Y) :- pn(X), !, qn(X,Y). a(X,Y) :- r(X,Y). Cut-Fail combination to formalize conditions under which failure is guaranteed. a(X) :- p(X), !, fail. cs774 (Prasad)L6Backtracking19

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