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 Enhance understanding of logical functions.  Discuss using conditional logic focusing on: ◦ IF ◦ SUMIF(s) ◦ COUNTIF(s) ◦ AVERAGEIF(s)  While waiting.

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Presentation on theme: " Enhance understanding of logical functions.  Discuss using conditional logic focusing on: ◦ IF ◦ SUMIF(s) ◦ COUNTIF(s) ◦ AVERAGEIF(s)  While waiting."— Presentation transcript:

1  Enhance understanding of logical functions.  Discuss using conditional logic focusing on: ◦ IF ◦ SUMIF(s) ◦ COUNTIF(s) ◦ AVERAGEIF(s)  While waiting for class to start, copy the lab class workbook to your u:drive or flash drive: k:\IS201\IS201-edberg\LabFiles\LogicLab1.xlsx 1

2  To establish pre-defined conditions with pre-defined results in a worksheet.  Many applications for conditional logic: ◦ Highlight a cell with color based on an existing condition. ◦ Do calculations differently based on an existing condition such as: If sales > 1,000, then commission is 10% of sales, else commission is 5% of sales. ◦ Do functions differently based on an existing condition such as: Sum all the data that is associated with the word “nature”. ◦ Make decisions based on an existing condition such as: If credit rating type 1 is good and credit rating type 2 is good, then credit approval is TRUE, else credit approval is FALSE. 2

3  Conditional formatting.  TRUE/FALSE function: AND, OR  IF function: IF(condition, do this, else do this)  Error checking: ISERROR, ISBLANK  IF function wrapped with another function: ◦ COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF ◦ COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS  Conditional table processing: ◦ VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP ◦ Index and Match 3

4 4 Sample sheet for class presentation

5  Functions. ◦ All functions have the same basic format. ◦ Name of function. Beginning and ending parentheses. Parameters within the parentheses.  Calculate an average using the average function.  Use the DATEDIF function to calculate the number of months an employee is employed. ◦ DATEDIF(Firstdate, Seconddate, “unit of measure”) ◦ DATEDIF(C2, today(), “M”) 5

6  Use COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF functions to calculate a conditional count, sum, or average using only cells that meet a particular condition  Conditional count calculates the number of cells in a range that match specified criteria. ◦ COUNTIF(field to check and count, criterion)  Conditional sum adds values in a range that match specified criteria. ◦ SUMIF(field to check, criterion, field to total)  Conditional average calculates the means of values in a range that match specified criteria. ◦ AVERAGEIF( field to check, criterion, field to average) 6

7  SUMIFS(field to total, field to check, criterion, field to check, criterion, field to check, criterion)  AVERAGEIFS((field to average, field to check, criterion, field to check, criterion, field to check, criterion)  COUNTIFS(field to check and count, criterion, field to check and count, criterion) 7

8 IF relational condition THEN do something ELSE do something else 8 These types of logical computer decisions are black and white right or wrong – there is no “gray” area. How to do a logical condition in Excel: IF(relational condition, what to do if true, what to do if false) IF(J2 > $f$30, “Over Average”, “Under Average”)

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