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Imagining Internationalization in Ontario’s Colleges October 2, 2015.

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1 Imagining Internationalization in Ontario’s Colleges October 2, 2015

2 Ontario and international students Policy windows What are Ontario’s existing goals?

3 Internationalization you say? Precedents are important!

4 FNMI Policy Frameworks EDU (2007) 1.High levels of student achievement 2.Reduce gaps in student achievement 3.High levels of public confidence TCU (2011) 1.An increasing number of Aboriginal learners achieve high levels of success… 2.An increasing number of Aboriginal learners have the skills… to participate in the labour market 3.Transparency and accountability 4. PSE is responses and respectful of Aboriginal learners’ needs, choices, and aspirations

5 Internationalization Strategy (K-12) 1. Future-oriented learning for Ontario students 2. High-quality programs and services for K–12 international students studying in Ontario 3. Opportunities for sharing and developing Ontario education expertise 4. Pathways to postsecondary education, work, and living in Ontario


7 Internationalization Strategy International students (and domestic students abroad) encounter complex challenges…!

8 Strengthening internationalization for students!! 1.Get into groups with your SA 2.Discuss what you want the internationalization strategy to address! (Think: what are your students’ problems and priorities concerning internationalization?) 3.One person records the main points 4.Rank the importance of each issue

9 Internationalization Strategy (K-12) (AGAIN) 1. Future-oriented learning for Ontario students 2. High-quality programs and services for K–12 international students studying in Ontario 3. Opportunities for sharing and developing Ontario education expertise 4. Pathways to postsecondary education, work, and living in Ontario

10 Now, don’t be shy: Shane Malcolm 905-348-6398 John Horrox 647-454-9951

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