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2 Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, 1907.
I paint forms as I think them not as I see Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, 1907.

3 Picasso, Enamel Saucepan, 1945 (Synthetic Cubism)
show the ‘concept’ of an object rather than details of the real thing Picasso, Enamel Saucepan, 1945 (Synthetic Cubism)

4 Paul Cezanne La Montagne Saint Victoire Barnes, 1885
BRAQUE, Houses at L'Estaque L'Estaque,1908 French art critic Louis Vauxcelles created the term Cubism after seeing Braque’s landscapes at L'Estaque in modeled after the work of Paul Cezanne.

5 "Every thing in nature takes it's form from the sphere, cone or cylinder."
- Paul Cezanne Self-Portrait, Paul Cezanne, (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 25 5/8 x 20 5/8"; Tate Gallery, London

6 in Georges Braque's work Road near L'Estaque.
Paul Cezanne's influence most noted in Georges Braque's work Road near L'Estaque. GEORGES BRAQUE 'Viaduct at L'Estaque', 1908 (oil on canvas)

7 Primitive Cubism 1907 to 1908 or Proto Cubism
Analytical Cubism to 1912 High Analytical to 1912 or Hermetic Cubism Synthetic Cubism to 1920

8 Primitive Cubism began in 1907 until 1908 The Vase, Bowl, Lemon Picasso 1907

9 Georges Braque, Musical Instruments, 1908.

10 Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon , 1907
simplify objects to their most basic, primitive terms Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon , 1907

11 Exploration of a subject’s pure form Mentally broke the subject
Analytical Cubism Began 1908 to 1912 Exploration of a subject’s pure form Mentally broke the subject into flat planes and arranged them in complex, overlapping relationships Georges Braque (French, ). Violin and Palette (Violon et palette), September 1, Oil on canvas.

12 Limited Monochromatic Palette
grays, browns, dark greens, ochre, dark yellows Picasso's Ma Jolie from 1912 is a classic example of this technique.

13 "high" Analytic Cubism (1910–12), also called hermetic
Candlestick and Playing Cards on a Table, Autumn 1910 Georges Braque (French, 1882–1963)Oil on canvas

14 The composition of this small
oval painting consists of clearly defined Cubist planes in hues of brown and ocher highlighted by black and white.

15 At the center can be identified the corner of a table upon which rests the round base of a brass candlestick

16 and, at the right, two playing cards —the ace of hearts and the six of diamonds.

17 In rectangular Analytic Cubism, planes and facets of forms concentrate
in the center of a composition, Still Life with a Bottle of Rum, 1911Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881–1973)Oil on canvas

18 and the corners remain relatively empty.
Still Life with a Pair of Banderillas, Summer 1911Georges Braque (French, 1882–1963)Oil on canvas

19 An oval format avoids such corners,
and therefore Braque and Picasso sometimes favored this shape. The Clarinet (La clarinette), summer-fall 1912. Oil with sand on fine linen canvas

20 Faceted shapes and translucent divisions of space
Analytical Cubism Faceted shapes and translucent divisions of space Pablo Picasso, Portrait of Vollard, 1910. ANALYTICAL CUBISM

21 Analytical Cubism Complex and systematic design Georges Braque,
Violin and Jug, 1910) ANALYTICAL CUBISM

22 Their favorite motifs were musical instruments, bottles, pitchers, glasses, newspapers, playing cards & the human face. Landscapes were rare.

23 Georges Braque, Fruitdish, 1908-09
. Differing views of the same subject in the same work Georges Braque, Fruitdish,

24 Pablo Picasso, Aficionado, 1912.
Analytical Cubism Pablo Picasso, Aficionado, 1912. ANALYTICAL CUBISM

25 Pablo Picasso, Composition with Skull, 1908.
SYNTHETIC CUBISM more colourful Pablo Picasso, Composition with Skull, 1908.

26 Puts forms back together after breaking them apart
Pablo Picasso, Three Musicians, 1921. Puts forms back together after breaking them apart

27 pasted makes the collage look like a real surface
Synthetic Cubism “Collage” French word “glue” Foreign materials pasted makes the collage look like a real surface Scraps are changed and painted on, giving them a double meaning George Braque, Gillet, 1914.

28 Picasso, Bottle of Pernod and Glass, 1912
collage bridged the gap between life and art inserting pieces of the real world onto the canvas. Picasso, Bottle of Pernod and Glass, 1912

29 Pablo Picasso, Glass and Bottle of Suze, 1912.
Synthetic Cubism Pablo Picasso, Glass and Bottle of Suze, 1912. SYNTHETIC CUBISM

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