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Chapter 1 Vocabulary Scullery (25/3): small room or section of a pantry.

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1 Chapter 1 Vocabulary Scullery (25/3): small room or section of a pantry

2 Benevolent (26/4) Kind, generous, charitable

3 Paddock (27/5) A small, usually enclosed field near a stable or barn for animals to graze

4 Enmity (31/11) Absolute hatred

5 Ensconced (25/4)  To settle comfortably

6 Cynical (26/5)  Bitterly and sneeringly distrustful, pessimistic, contemptuous

7 Tyranny (30/9) Oppressive and

8 Chapter 2 Vocabulary Pre-eminent (35/15) : greatest in importance or degree

9 Vivacious (35/16) Vibrant, vigorous, animated; full of life and energy

10 Apathy ( 36/16) An absence of emotion or enthusiasm; lacking enthusiasm or interest

11 Gambol (40/22) Frolic, play boisterously, running or skipping playfully

12 Spinney (41/22)  A brush or dense growth that shelters birds

13 Animal Farm: Chapter 3 Vocabulary Implement (P. 27/45): Tool; instrument, piece of equipment

14 Parasite(P. 28/46)  1. (noun.) an organism living in or on another organism  2. (noun) a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery

15 Dole (P. 28/46)  (verb) to give or distribute as a charity – usually used with “out” as in “doled out”

16 Cockerels (P. 29/46)  (noun) a young male of the domestic chicken

17 Shirk (p. 29/47 - twice)  (verb) to go stealthily; to evade the performance of an obligation

18 Obstinate(p. 30/47)  (adj.) adhering to an opinion or purpose; not easily subdued or removed

19 Whelp (p. 35/51)  1. (noun) the young (babies) of various carnivorous mammals (especially the dog)  2. (verb) to give birth

20 Indefatigable (p. 32/49)  (adj.) incapable of being fatigued

21 Maxim (p. 34/50)  (noun) a saying of proverbial nature; a general truth or principle; rule of conduct

22 Chapter 4 Vocabulary  Tractable (P. 39/56) – easily managed, capable of being handled or moved

23 Irrepressible(P. 40/56)  Impossible to repress (control) or contain

24 Ignominious (P. 42/58)  Deserving or bringing disgrace or shame

25 Chapter 5 Vocabulary  Pretext (61/45) – something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object; excuse

26 Manifestly (62/47)  Readily seen (by the eye) or readily understood, apparent, plain

27 Restive (66/51)  restless, uneasy, impatient; difficult to control

28 Blithely (61/45)  Joyously, cheerfully

29 Aloof (65/49)  At a distance in feeling or interest; disinterested

30 Sordid (67/52)  Vile, dirty, morally disgraceful (sordid details); wretchedly poor or run down (sordid housing)

31 Chapter 6 Vocabulary  Arable ( 75/62) – land fit to be cultivated/plowed

32 Solicitor (p. 77/64)  A person who solicits business  A lawyer

33 Indignation (P. 82/70)  strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteous anger.

34 Malignity (P. 82/70)  the state or character of being malign; malevolence; intense ill will; spite.

35 Chapter 7 Vocabulary  Capitulate (P. 87/76) – to surrender unconditionally

36 Stupefied (noun) - to put into a state of little or no sensibility -to overwhelm with amazement; astound; astonish.

37 Tumult (P. 92/83)  Violent and noisy commotion; uproar

38 Retribution (P. 93/85)  Something justly deserved - especially punishment

39 Chapter 8 Vocabulary  Retinue (99/92) - a body of aides and retainers attending an important person, royalty, etc.

40 Reposed (105/100)  The state of being at rest

41 Machinations (103/97)  crafty schemes; plots; intrigues

42 Censured (103/97)  strong or vehement expression of disapproval

43 Chapter 9 Vocabulary  Poultice (114/111) – a soft, moist mass of cloth, bread, meal, etc.

44 Piebald (116/113)  Having patches of black and white or other colors

45 Internment (126/125)  Burial

46 Superannuated (115/112)  Retired because of age (inability to work)

47 Complicity (119/117)  The state of being an accomplice; partnership in crime

48 Oration (126/125)  Formal public speech – especially on a special occassion

49 Chapter 10 Vocabulary  Morose (127/128)- gloomy

50 Filial (128/128) The relation of a child to a parent

51 Haughty (132/133) Snobbish, disdainfully proud

52 Intimate (137/139)  Hint, imply, suggest

53 Taciturn (127/128)  Reserved in speech, inclined in silence

54 Frugal (128/129) Not wasteful, entailing little expense

55 Enquiry (135/137) a question or close examination

56 Deputation (noun)  the act of appointing a person or persons to represent or act for another or others.

57 Words not on the test  Scullery  Paddock  Spinney  Cockerel  Arable  Indignation  Malignity  Piebald  Reposed  Machinations‘  Censured  poultice

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