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Nuclear and Wind Energy

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear and Wind Energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear and Wind Energy
Allen Uzzell and Thomas Peyton Klar

2 Wind Energy Advantages
Wind Energy is used to produced electricity. Wind Energy is renewable because it comes from natural resources. Wind can harness energy to make electricity. Wind can also generate a significant amount of energy. Wind turbines takes up only a small part of the ground’s surface. As a result, the land on wind farms can be used for more then one purpose.

3 Wind Energy Disadvantages
The wind isn’t strong enough to create energy. Wind doesn’t blow enough to make energy in some countries. In bad weather, wind can create tornadoes and hurricanes. Making windmills takes time and sometimes wind will blow it down. Only blows on windy days.

4 Important Details This energy source is used to produce by blowing air through a windmill. This energy is renewable because it is formed from natural resources. Humans have used this resource through the time of early humans.

5 How Is This Energy Source Used In Present Day?
It is used to generate electricity. It is also used to harness wind energy. Keeps people cool on hot days. Fans harness it to keep people cool. Helps people get energy in some countries that don’t have modern technology.

6 Nuclear Energy Advantages

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