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Presentation on theme: "HYPOKALEMIA MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Ghazalah Malik, MD PGY 1

2 Preparations: Oral: Salt substitutes contain 50 to 65 mEq per 5 mL
IV: KCL can be added in intravenous fluids at concentrations of 20 to 40 meq per liter of fluid through a peripheral vein. A saline solution is preferred over Dextrose.

3 Treatment Asymptomatic, potassium >3 mEq/L
10-20meq of KCL 2-4 times a day. Mild to moderate symptoms or potassium <3.0 mEq/L Oral replacement of KCL meq of KCL 3-4 times a day. Severe symptoms or unable to take oral medication, or potassium <2.5meq/l : A maximal intravenous repletion rate 10 to 20 mEq/h, and maximal concentration of 100 to 200 meq/L (prepared in 100 mL). Follow the serum potassium concentration closely. Continuous ECG monitoring in patients receiving potassium at 10 to meq/h or faster.

4 Thank you


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