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L ICEUL T EHNOLOGIC P ETROL M ORENI Address: 22 DECEMBRIE 1989 bvd, no. 40 135300, Moreni, Db ROMANIA website:

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Presentation on theme: "L ICEUL T EHNOLOGIC P ETROL M ORENI Address: 22 DECEMBRIE 1989 bvd, no. 40 135300, Moreni, Db ROMANIA website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 L ICEUL T EHNOLOGIC P ETROL M ORENI Address: 22 DECEMBRIE 1989 bvd, no. 40 135300, Moreni, Db ROMANIA e-mail: website:

2 C ITY OF M ORENI Moreni is a town in Dambovita district. Located at approximately 100 km from Bucharest (Bucuresti), the capital of Romania. With over 20.000 citizens, Moreni is the second largest city in Dambovita. The economical and social life of the city was permanently modified, the most important modify was in 1904 when the first oil-derrick was build in the area. This area becomes in 1691 the first oil exploitation from Romania, and the third in world.

3 S HORT HISTORY OF OUR SCHOOOL Liceul Tehnologic Petrol Moreni has evoluate from the former industrial school of Moreni, opened in 1924. Starting with 1943 – 1944 our school operated on two levels:  as a vocational school of 3 years and  an industrial high-school of 4 years. If in 1924 recorded a number of 121 students, in 1961 there were 621 and in the current year 1040 students are attending our courses. We are currently working in a building inaugurated in 1968, which in 1977 was extended with a new wing and a gym. The new library was set up in 1980.



6 O UR STUDENTS The present structure of our high-school is as follows:  First phase of general lower secondary school (Gymnasium) with a vocational profile: sports (1 class per year of study)  High School with four sections:  natural resources and environmental protection  IT  technical  vocational profile, sports  Arts and Trades School, with mechanic and electro mechanic profiles The number of students varies from 20 to 28 per class.

7 T HE BEST RESULTS OF OUR STUDENTS The first place in the zonal mathematic contest The first place in the zonal handball contest for girls and for boys The second and the thrird places in the zonal theoretical sports contest The first place in the zonal civil protection contest The first place in the national tehnic contests, differrent specializations The third place in the zonal football contest.


9 T HE EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Documentation trips Celebrate important international or national days Activities for environment’s protection School festival



12 C OMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT “S USTAINABLE E NERGY ” - 2006-2009 Partners: Teknikum Växjö, Sweden Oostvaarders College Almere, Netherlands Isic F. Frezzi Foligno, Italy Grup Scolar Industrial Petrol Moreni, Romania IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące Słupsk, Poland

13 C OMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT “W ATER - THE SPRING OF LIFE ”- 2009- 2011 Partners: Grup Şcolar Industrial Petrol Moreni, Romania - COORDINATOR Ernst-Ludwig-Schule, Bad Nauheim, Germany Casa Teresiana De Bellvitge. Compañia Santa Teresa De Jesus, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain Huittisten ammatti- ja yrittäjäopisto, Kokemäki, Finland I LO im. Stefanii Sempołowskiej W Tarnowskich Górach, Tarnowskie Góry, Poland

14 L EONARDO DA V INCI IVT MOBILITY PROJECT “T HE E UROPEAN M OBILITY – A P ROFESSIONAL AND L INGUISTIC P ASSPORT FOR A S UCCESSFUL C ARRIER ” Participants: 18 students from the 9 th grade to 11 th grades, the students having the specialization of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, respectively of Computing Technique. Partner : GlobalAdamastor Viseu, Portugal

15 C OMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT “ OUR SMALL BUT STEADY STEPS TOGETHER SAVE THE 3 E : EUROPE, ENVIRONMENT AND EARTH !” Partners: Liceul Tehnologic PETROL Moreni, Romania Bower Park Academy Romford, England Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Piero Sraffa“ Crema, Italy coala Gimnazial ă Nr.1 Moreni, Romania Atışalanı Lisesi Istanbul, Turkey Teknikum, Växjö Sweden I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im.S.Sempołowskiej Tarnowskie Gory, Poland

16 E RASMUS + KA 1 MOBILITY PROJECT 2014 - 2015 FORVET Beneficiary: - Liceul Tehnologic Petrol Moreni, Romania (8 teachers and 15 students) Hosting partner: - City College Plymouth, England


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