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Introduction to ED4134/5151 Information Technology for Teaching and Learning Dr Boris Handal Senior lecturer, ICT 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ED4134/5151 Information Technology for Teaching and Learning Dr Boris Handal Senior lecturer, ICT 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ED4134/5151 Information Technology for Teaching and Learning Dr Boris Handal Senior lecturer, ICT 1

2 ICT: Information and Communications Technology(ies) 2 ”the generation and application of knowledge and processes to develop devices, methods and systems [for teaching and learning]” (National Teachers Standards)

3 Main Purpose: Develop an awareness of current issues and applications relating to ICT in Education Interactive Whiteboards Multimedia Blogs Webquests (wikis) Lectures are only for the 6-week course Check your lab group – only groups 1 to 11!! Develop an awareness of current issues and applications relating to ICT in Education Interactive Whiteboards Multimedia Blogs Webquests (wikis) Lectures are only for the 6-week course Check your lab group – only groups 1 to 11!! 3

4 Unit outcomes.. ICTs enhancing active and collaborative learning; ICTs as learning and teaching tools; Producing effective text and screen-based materials; Access and use the Internet as a research tool; Understanding the diversity of students’ learning styles and the principles of higher order learning; Creating simple web-based teaching resources; Examining implementation issues associated with effective use of ICTs in classrooms. 4

5 Overview of content.. NB. These sessions are NOT ‘IT classes’! We will be focusing on the ‘use of ICT in teaching and learning’! 5

6 Why? / NSW Institute of Teachers / National Teaching Standards / NSW Institute of Teachers / National Teaching Standards 6

7 New National Standards Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning. Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning. Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. 7

8 3 Assignments To be discussed at the end of the class. Detailed discussion next week … 8

9 Communication … At least twice a week, check your ND email/portal 9

10 Help?.. If you need help with passwords / logins etc…. 1.Please read your orientation literature 2.Find a ‘buddy’ / peer to help you 3.Phone HelpDesk: 8204 4444 Email: 10

11 Outline of today’s session 1. What is ‘e-learning’? What are ‘learning technologies’? Own experiences at school, uni, informal settings (eh. Home)? 2. Current Trends? 3. How ICT can improve learning? 1. What is ‘e-learning’? What are ‘learning technologies’? Own experiences at school, uni, informal settings (eh. Home)? 2. Current Trends? 3. How ICT can improve learning? 11

12 My consultation hours Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 to 3:30 pm 6 th Floor – Pioneer House Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 to 3:30 pm 6 th Floor – Pioneer House 12

13 Kent Textbook – no compulsory but strongly recommended / Kent, P. (2008). Interactive whiteboards: A practical guide for primary teachers. Melbourne: Macmillan Teacher Resources. 13

14 14 / From the Dawn of History / The first recorded IT Professional Seen at Work (3 min) / From the Dawn of History / The first recorded IT Professional Seen at Work (3 min)

15 Look at the picture. How has society changed? What learning technologies are used in this classroom? 15

16 The Z-Generation People born between the early 1990s and the early 2010s They are today’s children and students Never know life without the Internet or connected devices Well socially networked “Digital natives” People born between the early 1990s and the early 2010s They are today’s children and students Never know life without the Internet or connected devices Well socially networked “Digital natives” 16

17 Just 5,000 hours of book reading. 10,000 hours playing video games. 200,000 emails and texts sent and received. 10,000 hours of digital mobile phone use. 20,000 hours of watchi ng TV. 17

18 Teens ML Stats / 58% of teens from schools that forbid cell phones use them during class anyway / 31% of teens that take their cell phones to school send text messages during class everyday / 52% of teens talk while driving a car / 34% of teens text while driving a car / 26% of teens have been bullied via text message / Girls text message more than boys (2010) / 58% of teens from schools that forbid cell phones use them during class anyway / 31% of teens that take their cell phones to school send text messages during class everyday / 52% of teens talk while driving a car / 34% of teens text while driving a car / 26% of teens have been bullied via text message / Girls text message more than boys (2010) 18

19 The Recent Past 19

20 Most popular Ed Techs in schools during 20th Century? 20

21 Traditional View: A computational machine An information delivery machine A basic communication tool 21

22 More Recent ICTs 22

23 Handheld Touch Mobile technologies What does ubiquitous computing mean? 23

24 Important “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important”. 24

25 Two important questions to discuss in pairs (5 min) Do computers and online technologies enhance learning? If so, how and when? Do computers and online technologies enhance learning? If so, how and when? 25

26 MindTools 26

27 Traditional View of Learning Learning FROM Computers Knowledge Reproduction Transmission Information is stored in the computer Student is a passive recipient 27

28 Traditional View of Learning Learning FROM Computers Knowledge Reproduction Transmission Information is stored in the computer One litre of knowledge please! 28

29 New View of Learning Learning WITH Computers Knowledge Construction Interactivity Computer as MindTool Student as Designer 29

30 New Knowledge! New View of Learning Constructivist View Accounts for social processes of learning 30

31 “Computer applications that, when used by learners to represent what they know, necessarily engage them in critical thinking about the content they are studying.” Jonassen et al., 1998, p.24 “Computer applications that, when used by learners to represent what they know, necessarily engage them in critical thinking about the content they are studying.” Jonassen et al., 1998, p.24 What is a MindTool? 31

32 “Require students to think about what they know in different and meaningful ways.” Jonassen et al., 1998, p.24 “Require students to think about what they know in different and meaningful ways.” Jonassen et al., 1998, p.24 What is a MindTool? 32

33 Eg. Concept Maps 33

34 34

35 35

36 Eg. Microworlds 36

37 Eg. Visualization Software 37

38 / Affordable / Online / Easy to learn / Affordable / Online / Easy to learn Benefits of MindTools 38

39 Web Inspiration / For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration®, the ultimate thinking and learning tool. Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views / Watch video here: / / For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration®, the ultimate thinking and learning tool. Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views / Watch video here: / 39

40 In pairs.... Draw a mind map of the concepts discussed today in class. 40

41 Class brainstorming of ideas for mind mapping / Prensky's article "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants" makes some important distinctions between today's net generation and those of us who were not born into the digital world -digital immigrants. 41

42 1) What are the main characteristics of these Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants? 2) How does Prensky propose educators address teaching and learning in the 21st Century to cater for digital natives? 3) What is your opinion of the Bennett et al reading? 4) Do you agree with this or with Prensky? 1) What are the main characteristics of these Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants? 2) How does Prensky propose educators address teaching and learning in the 21st Century to cater for digital natives? 3) What is your opinion of the Bennett et al reading? 4) Do you agree with this or with Prensky? 42

43 The three assignments / Your tutor will explain them with more details in class. 43

44 1) The IWB flipchart and lesson plan -30% 44

45 2) Multimedia Blog – 40% 45

46 46 1. ICT current trends (ie. IWBs) 2. Digital natives debate 3. ICT as a cognitive tool (ie. Webquests) 4. Social constructivism 5. Mobile Learning 6. Pedagogical beliefs and ICT Integration (ie. Ertmer and Brown) 1. ICT current trends (ie. IWBs) 2. Digital natives debate 3. ICT as a cognitive tool (ie. Webquests) 4. Social constructivism 5. Mobile Learning 6. Pedagogical beliefs and ICT Integration (ie. Ertmer and Brown) Blog Entries –Take and keep notes

47 3) The Webquest – 30% 47

48 Attendance / Attendance is required at a minimum of 85% of lab sessions (tutes). 48

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