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Employability, Social Security & Fairer Scotland Event 3rd September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Employability, Social Security & Fairer Scotland Event 3rd September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employability, Social Security & Fairer Scotland Event 3rd September 2015

2 Employability A Local Government Perspective

3 Employability – A Local Government Perspective Local Authorities are a key strategic partner in supporting employability and make a significant financial investment as part of an “All Council Approach”

4 Employability – A Local Government Perspective Local Authorities play a key enabling role in economic development and job creation, delivering a one door approach

5 Employability – A Local Government Perspective It is recognised that the collective strength and wellbeing of any community will be heavily influenced by the level of employment, confidence and prosperity enjoyed by its citizens.

6 A strong local economy is central to our ability to achieve positive social and environmental outcomes. Local authorities have a strategic interest in employability because of its relationship to the wellbeing of their communities and economic development in their areas. Employability – A Local Government Perspective

7 Employment is recognised as the main route out of poverty, inequality and disadvantage - Local Government already makes a significant contribution - but there is potential for councils to do much more ……..

8 Employability – A Local Government Perspective Local Government Employability Policy Statement “seeks to ensure that Local Democracy is respected and empowered, and that the Community Planning Structures are the main vehicle for local strategic decision making with integration and outcomes at their heart”

9 Employability – A Local Government Perspective Key Policy Drivers Future of Scotland’s Employability Services Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce Fair Work Commission Cambridge Policy Consultants Review Procurement Reform Act 2014 European Structural Funds 2014- 2020 Community Empowerment (Scotland ) Act 2015

10 Employability – A Local Government Perspective “Local by Default, National by Agreement” A National Framework to enable local delivery need agreement on: – National Performance Framework – National IT reporting and Payment System – National Audit and Compliance – National Definitions – National Standards

11 Employability – A Local Government Perspective Need to avoid a one size fits all approach and sensibly consider geographies A system based on the 5 stage employability pipeline consistent assessment of need – All Age Payment model which incentivises support for the hardest to help

12 Employability – A Local Government Perspective Key Themes Increased Devolution Better Alignment Improved Integration Increased Collaboration De- Cluttering of Bureaucracy Improved Targeting – Shared Priorities Improved Outcomes

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