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Message from the Principal

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1 Message from the Principal
Newsletter Krishna Avanti Primary School Spencefield Lane Evington Leicester LE5 6HN Tel: Principal: Mrs Yvonne Waring Friday 13th September Issue 2 Message from the Principal Thank you to all who represented their children at our three Curriculum Evenings this week. I know from speaking to many of you that you found the presentations to be informative and you were especially pleased with the booklets, which gave ideas for academic activities to do at home. I must thank the staff for spending their own time in preparing all the materials and returning to school in the evenings. Yours faithfully Mrs Y L Waring M.Ed LPSH Attendance this week: EY’s – Bees: % Butterflies: 99% Year 1 – Doves: % Parrots: % Year 2 – Swans: % Peacocks: 98% Well done Year 1 Doves and Parrots for 100% attendance! Parking Parents, please use all parking bays around the school - including the front drive. Park your cars safely in designated areas and do not block the way. Drive slowly and carefully on school grounds and be mindful of children at all times. Thank you. !

2 Dates for your Diary for this term
Inset day, no school: Fri 11th October Parents evenings: Mon 14th & 15th October Half Term: Mon 21st – 25th October Diwlali holiday: 4th & 5th November Open Days: Saturday 9th and 23rd Nov 11-2pm Theatre Trip, Jack & the Beanstalk: Wed 18th Dec End of Day Pick-up Now that there are almost 180 pupils in school, the end of the school day can become very busy. Too often someone we do not know and is not on the pickup list is sent to collect a pupil. Safeguarding your child is our number 1 priority. We will not allow a pupil to be collected by a person we do not know. Also, brothers and sisters under 16 years of age cannot collect pupils. For these reasons we will be sending out new forms that will require passport photographs of those who are permitted to collect each pupil. Krishna Avanti Primary School’s School Council. On Thursday afternoon, the pupils in year 2 elected 4 of their classmates as School Council Members for this term. Abhay Keshwala, Meera Lodhia, Dhani Gajjar and Kaavyaa Nair were chosen because they would be good, kind and listen to everyone. They will bring their notebooks to meetings with any concerns form other children and make notes to tell everyone what they talked about in the meeting. Thank you to our Council Members and everyone who voted for them. School Council Performances in School The planning for the school year means that we have weeks you may need to reserve in your diary: The week beginning 28th October Diwali and performance for parents by the pupils in Year 1. The week beginning 9th December Our Reception children will perform their Christmas production for parents. The week beginning 7th July 2014 Year 2 will all take part in their summer production. This allows every child in school to be part of a public performance during this school year. We will ensure that exact dates are sent out nearer the time. After School Clubs Available for Year 1 & 2 only Yr 2 Karate - starts tuesday 17th Sept Yr 2 Archery - starts friday 27th Sept Yr 1 Karate - starts after half term, fridays Yr 1 Archery – starts after half term, mondays Yr 1 & 2 – Indian Dance, will be on a wednesday and start after half term. Yr 2 can register now for Archery and Karate – complete reply slip (sent via bookbag Thursday) and return to school by Monday to secure your place. Piano lessons - Year 2 pupils only, begins after half term. . Bus and Lunch Payments Please make your lunch and bus payments now through Parentpay. New parents should have received their letter this week – please log-in and register with Parentpay. Future communications will be sent to you by via Parentpay, so don’t forget to check your s. Cool Milk If you have not yet registered or made your payment to Cool Milk, please do so straight away, so your child does not miss out on getting their milk in school. Please label everything – including each shoe / plimsole – children are spending lots of time looking for lost shoes!

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