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1 10 Strategies to Help You Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holiday Season.

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Presentation on theme: "1 10 Strategies to Help You Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holiday Season."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 10 Strategies to Help You Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holiday Season

2 2 1. Don’t Skip Breakfast Start your day with a healthful breakfast Oatmeal, skim milk and fruit make a great way to start Whole-grain cereal is a better choice than baked goods such as Danishes, coffee cakes and croissants

3 3 2. Maintain Physical Activity Maintain physical activity and exercise Shorter workouts are better than no workouts

4 4 3. Eat Lighter at Home Eat lighter meals at home to help make up for an increase in richer foods: Baked fish with potatoes and salad Spaghetti with marinara sauce, salad Soup and salad

5 5 4. Keep the Right Ingredients on Hand Don’t keep higher-calorie, tempting foods in your house Stock your kitchen with easy-to- prepare items that are based on whole grains, vegetables and beans Meals will be faster and more healthful

6 6 5. Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables Take them with you for snacking on the run: Apples Carrots Pears Broccoli

7 7 6. Survive the Parties Eat a healthful meal before parties Limit or omit alcohol Limit or avoid rich or calorie-dense foods such as desserts, nuts and fatty meats or appetizers Focus on conversation

8 8 7. Bring a Healthful Dish Bring a healthful dish to parties and get-togethers Ideas include: Tossed salad with fat-free dressing Vegetarian chili Fruit salad Raw veggie platter Veggie side dish

9 9 8. Bake Fewer Calories Bake smaller and fewer cookies Form a cookie exchange, so you get variety without baking it Bake or make crafty inedible items instead of cookies Or omit baking this year and exercise instead!

10 10 9. Cook Lighter for the Holidays Omit butter, margarine and oil in cooking – use broth instead Defat gravy Increase vegetable dishes Serve light turkey without skin Include fruit with dessert Use fat-free dairy products

11 11 10. Make Resolutions Now! Make your New Year’s resolutions now and stick to them: Eat better or eat out less often Exercise more Drink less or no alcohol Eat fewer foods with sugar Eat more fruits and vegetables

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