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Early People of the Aegean Crete Early civilization Later influenced Greeks.

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1 Early People of the Aegean Crete Early civilization Later influenced Greeks

2 Section 1: Early People of the Aegean Minoans Trade & Prosper Minoans – Lived on Crete – Trade not conquest Knossos Frescoes Minoan civilization peaked 1600bc- 1500bc

3 Minoans Frescoes: watercolor paintings done on wet plaster; Covered walls of Knossos Frescoes: watercolor paintings done on wet plaster; Covered walls of Knossos 1400 bc, Minoan civilization vanished Sea was very important

4 Section 1: Early People of the Aegean Continued… Mycenaeans – First Greek- speaking people (written record) – Invaders of Minoans Dominated Aegean world 1400bc-1200 bc Sea Traders

5 The Trojan War Started as rivalry between Mycenaean & Troy Most widely known for the Greek legend of Paris, Helen, and the Trojan horse After 10 years of battle, the Greeks finally seized Troy and burned it to the ground Around 1250 bc

6 Not long after Trojan war, Mycenaens were attacked from sea raiders & Dorians (from the North) People abandoned cities Trade declined Greek civilization stepped backwards Greece’s Dark ages 1100bc-900bc Greece’s Dark ages 1100bc-900bc

7 Homer and the Great Legends of Greece Homer was a blind poet that wandered singing great epics 750 bc Much of what we know of Trojan War & life during these times

8 The Iliad Trojan War – Chief source of info Full of gods & goddesses Achilles, withdrew from battle because he was insulted by his commander The Odyssey Struggles of Greek hero Odysseus on his return home to his wife Penelope after fall of Troy Encounters sea monster, one-eyed giants, & a beautiful sorceress Epics reveal values of ancient Greeks Heroes display honor, courage, & eloquence Epics reveal values of ancient Greeks Heroes display honor, courage, & eloquence

9 Section 2: The Rise of Greek City-States Balkan Peninsula Extends into the Mediterranean Sea Comprised of hundreds of rocky islands Greeks developed polis or city-states Ancient Greeks didn’t have a large empire A collection of city-states (Fiercely defended independence, frequent wars) Ancient Greeks didn’t have a large empire A collection of city-states (Fiercely defended independence, frequent wars)

10 Geography Shapes Greece Mountains separated city-states but seas linked them to outside world Skilled sailors – They traded olive oil, wine, and marble for grains and metals. The Greeks adapted ideas from other civilizations – Alphabet from the Phoenicians

11 Governing City-States 750 bc, rapid population growth & Greeks expanded – On top of the city was the acropolis, or high city. Temples dedicated to the gods and goddesses were located here. – Beneath the acropolis was the marketplace and homes

12 Governing City-States Citizens shared a sense of responsibility Free men spent much time in marketplace debating Whole community joined festivals honoring gods/goddesses Male landowners held all political power Types of Government

13 Governing City-States Types of Government Monarchy- A hereditary ruler with central powers. Aristocracy- Rule by hereditary landowning elite. Oligarchy- Power is in the hands of a small wealthy elite.

14 Warfare 650bc, iron weapons replaced bronze – Cheaper – Ordinary citizens could afford weapons, shields, helmets, etc. Phalanx – Tactical military formation with armed foot soldiers

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