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Nick Mercuro Austin Moore John Skinner MARKETING TRENDS.

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1 Nick Mercuro Austin Moore John Skinner MARKETING TRENDS

2  A market trend is a tendency of financial markets to move in a particular direction over time.  Many factors effect these trends such as… - Technological Advancements - Changes in Economy - Changes in Interests - Demographics WHAT ARE MARKETING TRENDS?

3  Over the past decade major advancements in science, human research, and technology have been made to help make human life more enjoyable and convenient.  Some of the major advancements include… - The Internet - Smart Phones - Social Media - Television  With this influx of people (especially teens) using this new technology, companies are now able to market their products via T.V. commercial, iPhone game ad, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube sponsorship ad allowing for constant exposure.  In fact percentages show that the average person from the year 2000 will spend 70% of their life in front of digital media and watch a total of 2 years worth of commercials. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS

4  Social media and the internet also allow companies to figure out what the public and their target market are interested in.  Companies can easily see what is trending online and be constantly up to date on the newest ideas and products.  Business can also conduct online surveys which can then be instantly stored into data charts and tables allowing them to make future decisions.  Technology also allows the customer to write reviews for a businesses product which can promote the product or inform the company of any issues. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS (CONTINUED)

5  Emerging economies tend to have… - Technological Advancements - Social/ Political changes - Low Labor Costs/ Low Unemployment Levels - High Demand for Products (Aggregate Demand) - High Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Foreign Trade  As the amount of labor/development in technology increases, countries tend to become more efficient.  This surplus in work helps to create a higher demand for product as more people have jobs/money to spend.  A lot of times countries decide that they can make even more money by specializing on one field of industry so they trade with other foreign countries. IMPACT OF EMERGING ECONOMIES ON DISTRIBUTION

6  Changing demographics means a change in your customer’s wants and needs  This can come about through migration, changes in family structure, changes in beliefs and interests, average age increasing or decreasing, ext.  When demographics change, businesses need to change their product development, tailoring it to the new interests and need of the customers they are serving.  For example, if you have an increasing average age in the consumers that you serve, you should develop products that appeal more to the elderly community and not so much to teenagers and kids. CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS

7  In more general terms, the economy is the thing that puts money in the pockets of consumers to spend at your business.  The health of the economy can change how you make business decisions and how you market your business or products.  In a healthy economy, consumers will have more money to spend on leisure and higher end products.  As a business you can take advantage of this by providing a product or service that is not a necessity, but will make the life of the consumer a little better, at a higher price point increasing your margins ECONOMIC IMPACT

8  In a poor economy consumer are going to be more reluctant to spend.  As a business you can take advantage of this by providing something that is deemed a necessity by the consumer at a lower price point, so the consumer doesn’t feel that they are spending to much for it.  Also you should market the business with a good image.  For example show the customers that your business is helping the community. such as providing jobs for the residents, donating to charities, or being environmentally friendly.  If the customers feel that your business is giving back to their community in their time of need they will feel better about spending their money there. ECONOMIC IMPACTS CONTINUED

9  Disintermediation: The web has, and will continue to create new business models and an attractive destination for consumers. This is a great tool for businesses and marketers.  Greater Retail Power: As Wal-Mart, Tesco, and Carrefour continue to face a tough, competitive environment, they are likely to lean harder on manufacturers, especially Consumer Packaged Goods [CPG] companies which, in turn, are likely to apply more pressure on their suppliers. TWO IMPORTANT TRENDS FACING MARKERS TODAY

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