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Integrated Mathematics

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Mathematics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Mathematics

2 Irrational Number Number that cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers

3 x x x Think! Which of the following is NOT a irrational number?

4 Rules of Indices and Surds

5 Simplify

6 Simplify

7 Simplify

8 Simplify

9 Simplify

10 Rationalization of the Denominator
Process of removing a surd from the denominator Example:

11 Objective is to remove surds from denominator
Example: Note! Multiple together! Objective is to remove surds from denominator Conjugate Surds

12 Re-look into the question:
Multiply conjugate surds Multiply denominator and numerator

13 Rationalize the denominators:
Multiply conjugate surds Multiply denominator and numerator

14 Rationalize the denominators:
Multiply conjugate surds Multiply denominator and numerator

15 Rationalize the denominators:
Multiply conjugate surds Multiply denominator and numerator

16 Rationalize the denominators:
Multiply conjugate surds Multiply denominator and numerator

17 Rationalize the denominators:
Multiply conjugate surds Multiply denominator and numerator

18 Multiply denominator and numerator
Rationalize the denominators: Determine the LCM Multiply denominator and numerator

19 Expand the denominators
Rationalize the denominators: Expand the denominators Find the LCM

20 Rationalize the denominators:
Same denominator Rationalization

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