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Personal Project Ellie Harper, IBMYP Coordinator Julia Fuller, Personal Project Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Project Ellie Harper, IBMYP Coordinator Julia Fuller, Personal Project Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Project Ellie Harper, IBMYP Coordinator Julia Fuller, Personal Project Coordinator

2 Culminating project  Begin in year 4, completed in December of year 5  Ranges 6-9 months; introduced in March, due in December. Present project to committee in February  Global Contexts provide the focus  Topic should reflect interests and passions of student  Presented in Seminar and through English 9. Proposal must be approved before students can begin

3 Components  Process journal—document of the process, must show regular use  Outcome/product—media can vary  Report—written format, 1500- 3500 words

4 Aims  Engage on personal inquiry on issues that are relevant to themselves, through a Global Context as a context for learning  Demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time  Reflect on their learning and knowledge (on their own and with others)  Move towards thoughtful and positive action  Develop confidence as lifelong learners

5 Objectives  A: Investigating  B: Planning  C: Taking Action  D: Reflecting

6 Sample topics  Learning to read, speak, and/or write a new language in order to communicate with extended family from another country  Organizing a photography exhibit of own photos  Learning to paint then auctioning off work to raise money for pediatric cancer (or donating work to a children’s hospital)  Put on a performance (play, concert etc) to bring the community together or to raise awareness for a cause

7 Supervisors  Must be familiar with the guide and understand their role; should be on campus and will receive supervisor training  Students choose their supervisor. It is not necessary to be an expert in the field.  Maintain contact, respond to student emails/phone calls. Communication should be student initiated  Provide support with objectivity, can give advice, but ultimate decision is with the student  No editing work

8 Take note…  PP can not be connected to the curriculum for any subject  Group work is possible, but assessed individually  Required of the MYP, without it can’t earn certificate. Also must complete in order to continue to DP  Scale is 1-7; Must earn a 3 or higher in order to “pass”  Will score projects with reps from other IB sites  Send samples for moderation

9 Communication  Seminar: explanation, handouts, guide began Feb. 19  English 9: support and provide feedback on each step of the process, HCPS grade assigned for the completion of the steps  Parent meeting Wednesday March 25 at 6pm  Emails updates sent regularly to parents  Feedback to students through SchoolSpace and ManageBac

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