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What can be recycled? No, Thank you No, Thank you . . .

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Presentation on theme: "What can be recycled? No, Thank you No, Thank you . . ."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can be recycled? No, Thank you . . . No, Thank you . . .
Paper and cardboard Plastic bottles only (No lids) Please remember . . . Shredded paper should be contained in a large envelope, paper bag or cardboard box. Cardboard should be broken down which must fit in the box or be in box size bundles. Glass bottles and jars, textiles and cartons (Tetrapaks) can be recycled at local recycling sites. For any queries please contact Wokingham Borough Council on or visit Food tins and drinks can Aerosol cans No, Thank you No, Thank you . . . General Waste Glass bottles and jars Plastic pots, tubs and trays Plastic carrier bags Textile Food Waste Cartons (Tetrapaks)

2 What can be recycled? £320K per annum Paper and Cardboard
Newspapers and magazines Directories and yellow pages Window envelopes Paper bags Junk mail Shredded paper (contained in small cardboard boxes or envelopes) Cardboard packaging (broken down to fit the size of our recycling box) Cereal boxes Soap powder and frozen food boxes Toilet roll tubes Plastic bottles only (no lids please) Milk bottles Shampoo bottles Detergent bottles Washing-up liquids Cleaners and bleach Food tins and drinks cans Aerosol spray (empty ones only please) If every household were to divert 1Kg from their rubbish to recycling they can help the council to save £320K per annum

3 What cannot be recycled?
Why Certain plastics cannot be recycled? What cannot be recycled? There are NO UK markets for non-bottle plastics. We are not in favour of collecting these and sending them to unknown destinations. Please pack them in your blue rubbish bags along with your waste. Glass Plastic pots (e.g. yogurt pots) Plastic tubs (e.g. margarine and ice cream) Plastic trays (e.g. meat trays and fruit punnets) Plastic carrier bags Polythene bags and plastic sleeves Plastic packaging Cling film Bubble wraps and jiffy bags Toys Juice and milk cartons (tetrapaks) Polystyrene including takeaway boxes Takeaway hot and cold drink cups Food wraps (e.g. biscuit and crisp packets Kitchen towels, tissues and wipes Netted bags of oranges Aluminium trays and cups Any metal apart form tins and steel cans

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