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Rhetorical Devices and Strategies Project AP Language Ball High School 2015.

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1 Rhetorical Devices and Strategies Project AP Language Ball High School 2015

2 ASSIGNMENT  Working a group of NO MORE THAN 4 people, you will create a video analyzing 20 devices and strategies within writing.  This project is due Tuesday, March 3 rd.  You will turn it in on a flash drive.  Each member of group is responsible for 5 terms.  All 5 terms must be merged into one unified project.

3 Media Assistance  If you need assistance or access to technology to complete your project, you MUST schedule time with me (Jackson) after school BEFORE the due date!  A sign up sheet will be available on Wednesday, February 24 th.

4 Due Dates  Story Map and Design: DUE, Wednesday February, 25 th.  This includes:  specifying what each device is  An example pulled from media or writing for each device  an explanation of how the example meets the requirement to be called this device  Benefits of utilizing this device or strategy  Weakness that could result from utilizing this device

5 Due Dates Continued  Rough Draft1 of video must be ready to show in class on Monday, March 2 nd.  Peers will evaluate and critique your rough draft.  You will receive grades for your rough draft as well-grades will be based on how complete your project is.

6 FINAL DUE:  TUESDAY, MARCH 3 rd  All projects must be turned in on a flash drive

7 DEVICE / STRATEGY Requirements  20 devices and strategies: assigned by teacher  EACH DEVICE MUST INCLUDE:  Definition of device  Example from media or writing of device  Explanation of how example meets definition of device  Statement about purpose (benefit) of using device  Statement about weaknesses that could be associated with using device

8 VIDEO REQUIREMENTS  Introduction with Rhetorical Devices Project as Title  Headlines and Sections indicated-all devices must be divided into sections  SECTIONS:  Elements of Argumentation  Logical Fallacies-see handout  Ethos (Ethical Appeal)-include elements that create (at least 3)  Logos (Logical Appeal)-include elements that create (at least 3)  Pathos (Emotional Appeal)-include elements that create (at least 3)  Constructing the Argument (concessions, claims…)  Schemes (Strategies) of Balance-see handout  Schemes (Strategies) of Unusual or Inverted Word Order-see handout  Schemes (Strategies) of Repetition-see handout  Tropes (figurative use of a word/expression) of Comparison-see handout  Tropes (figurative use of a word/expression) of Word Play-see handout  Tropes (figurative use of a word/expression) of Exaggeration-see handout

9 Video Requirements Cont.  Transition frames between sections  Conclusion that includes credits for where information, text, and media came from  Student name with terms each student was responsible for creating  Include music that fits the examples and terms you are utilizing

10 Questions?  Refer to your handout FIRST  Still confused, come see me in the morning or after school.  Reminder---you don’t have time to play— you have a week to complete this project.  Waste time and not complete this and you will fail this six weeks.

11 Group Assignments 1. Group 1: 1. Ethos 2. Allusion 3. Concession 4. Claim 5. Begging the Question 6. Non Sequitur arguments 7. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc 8. Name Calling 9. Alliteration 10. Analogy 11. Anaphora 12. Anecdote 13. Antithesis 14. Assonance 15. Asyndeton 16. Connotative Diction 17. Details 18. Euphemism 19. Hyperbole 20. Imagery

12 Group Assignments Cont. 1. Group 2 1. Pathos 2. Counterargument 3. Qualifier 4. Faulty Analogies 5. Hasty Generalizations 6. Red Herrings 7. Glittering Generalities 8. Transfer 9. Irony (situations, dramatic, and verbal) 10. Jargon 11. Juxtaposition 12. Metaphor 13. Oxymoron 14. Paradox 15. Parallelism 16. Personification 17. Polysyndeton 18. Repetition 19. Rhetorical Fragment 20. Rhetorical Question

13 Group Assignments Cont. 1. Group 3 1. Logos 2. Hortative Statement (Call to Action) 3. Rebuttal 4. Unspoken Assumption 5. Equivocation 6. Ignoring the Question 7. Opposing a Straw Man 8. Rhetorical Shift 9. Simile 10. Statistics 11. Testimonial 12. Understatement 13. Isocolon 14. Anastrophe 15. Parenthesis 16. Apposition (Appositive Phrase) 17. Ellipsis 18. Epistorphe 19. Epanalepsis 20. Anadiplosis

14 Group Assignments Cont. 1. Group 4 1. Ethos 2. Concession 3. Counterargument 4. Claim 5. Either-Or arguments 6. Slippery Slopes 7. Bandwagon Appeals 8. False Authority 9. Ad hominem 10. Tu Quoque 11. Plain Folks 12. Card Stacking 13. Antimetablole 14. Chiasmus 15. Polyptoton 16. Simile 17. Synecdoche 18. Metonymy 19. Antanaclasis 20. Paronomasia

15 Group Assignments Cont. 1. Group 5 1. Ethos 2. Pathos 3. Hortative Statements (Call to Action) 4. Qualifiers 5. Unspoken Assumption 6. Hasty Generalities 7. Anthimeria 8. Periphrasis 9. Apostrophe 10. Iron (situational, dramatic, and verbal) 11. Sarcasm 12. Oxymoron 13. Paradox 14. Allusion 15. Analogy 16. Anecdote 17. Antithesis 18. Parallelism 19. Gerunds 20. participles

16 Group Assignments Cont. 1. Group 6: 1. Ethos 2. Allusion 3. Concession 4. Claim 5. Begging the Question 6. Non Sequitur arguments 7. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc 8. Name Calling 9. Alliteration 10. Analogy 11. Anaphora 12. Anecdote 13. Antithesis 14. Assonance 15. Asyndeton 16. Connotative Diction 17. Details 18. Euphemism 19. Hyperbole 20. Imagery

17 Group Assignments Cont. 1. Group 7 1. Pathos 2. Counterargument 3. Qualifier 4. Faulty Analogies 5. Hasty Generalizations 6. Red Herrings 7. Glittering Generalities 8. Transfer 9. Irony (situations, dramatic, and verbal) 10. Jargon 11. Juxtaposition 12. Metaphor 13. Oxymoron 14. Paradox 15. Parallelism 16. Personification 17. Polysyndeton 18. Repetition 19. Rhetorical Fragment 20. Rhetorical Question

18 Similar Examples of this Project can be found at link below  Byl0k_aTU5e1X19vZVAwNlBRWkU&usp=driv e_web Byl0k_aTU5e1X19vZVAwNlBRWkU&usp=driv e_web

19 Rubric  Uploaded to Schoology under Rubrics

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