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Possible measurement of electron EDM in atoms with spatially alternating electric field T. Haseyama RIKEN, Japan ( The Institute of Physical and Chemical.

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Presentation on theme: "Possible measurement of electron EDM in atoms with spatially alternating electric field T. Haseyama RIKEN, Japan ( The Institute of Physical and Chemical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible measurement of electron EDM in atoms with spatially alternating electric field T. Haseyama RIKEN, Japan ( The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research ) Overview of the planned experiment Recent development on co-magnetometer beam

2 electron EDM PRA50,2960(1994) upper limit at present |d e | < 1.6×10 -27 ecm Berkeley group 205 Tl ground state 6 2 P 1/2 ( F=1) Tl: enhancement factor –585 (Z=81) PRL88,071805(2002) Electric Dipole Moment P-odd T-odd

3 Atomic EDM PRA50,2960(1994) e EDM Enhancement factor: d A /d e ~ O ( Z 3 α 2 ) inner core region : relativistic motion a strong mixing between opposite-parity states 2 types of atomic EDM paramagnetic atom ← electron EDM diamagnetic atom ← nuclear Schiff moment ← quark chromo-EDM and θ QCD

4 Direction of Electric Field in beam experiment 205 Tl-exp. : E ⊥ v requirement: counter-propagating beams Motional magnetism v×E rotation E // v preferable voltage accumulation E // v difficult to apply

5 Accumulation of EDM spin precession in spatially alternating electric field Accumulative EDM precessions in Canceling Voltages Spin rotates in each electrode by 180degrees with static magnetic field. Longitudinal E-field

6 exact matching mismatching alternating π-flips one-way π-flips BAD GOOD v E BπBπ Small velocity-dependence of the sensitivity to the EDM spin precession Rotation angle is velocity-dependent. EDM spin precession accumulates when the directions of the magnetic field are also alternating. elapsed time(relative) Sideward component Derivative to the EDM precession

7 Advantages to use 220 Fr The heaviest alkali atom, Z=87 Large enhancement from e EDM d Fr /d e ~ 1×10 3 F=1/2 hyperfine structure valence electron 7s 1/2 + nuclear spin I=1 spin precession Sufficiently long lifetime τ=39.2 sec (T 1/2 =27.2sec) RIBF (RIKEN) production rate > 5×10 6 /sec

8 Neutralization area Dipole Magnet, RF cavity RI Electrodes Glass nozzle Stopping chamber Detector (QMS) Yttrium Spin Selection (1st) Hexapole Magnet Spin Selection (2nd) Quadrupole Magnet RIABR ( Radio Isotope Atomic Beam Resonance ) for other experiments requiring high nuclear polarization production: slow neutral RI beam applicable to Francium

9 Atomic excitation Francium D1 line: transition between 7s 1/2 and 7p 1/2 states (λ= 817nm) Rn-like closed shell + 1 valence electron Optical Pumping m F = +1/2 : stable m F = -1/2 : unstable → fluorescence 7s 1/2 F=1/2 states D1: 817nm D2: 718nm D2 line: used for atomic cooling transition between 7s 1/2 and 7p 3/2 states (λ= 718nm)

10 Slow Alkali Beams saturation intensity (Fr D2-line) Na PRA55,605(1997) Na to reduce transverse momentum 2 -D Optical Molasses Doppler Limit 8.3cm/s or sub-Doppler cooling as required Longer time for EDM precession Zeeman technique

11 6 Li co-magnetometer Stable alkali with nuclear spin I=1 thermal atomic beam: available similar configuration of angular momentum Atomic magnetic moment: close to 220 Fr relative difference: O(10 -3 ) Negligible EDM d Li /d Fr ~ 4×10 -6 trajectory combination onto 220 Fr-path thermal Li-beam source system Ext.Cav. Diode Laser system

12 Planned setup

13 Deceleration of 6 Li beam with Zeeman slower method thermal 6 Li atomic beam low-velocity component: too tiny a portion…. 300 ℃ 400 ℃ 500 ℃ Velocity[m/s] Deceleration is Required! Head-on collisions with photons a deceleration with a single laser cancellation Doppler shift ⇔ Zeeman shift

14 Momentum transfer with photon cycling transition for deceleration D2 line (2s 1/2 → 2p 3/2 ) 671.0nm (446.8THz, 1.848eV) (F, F’) = (3/2, 5/2) circular polarization Although hyperfine transitions, (F, F’) = (3/2, * ) are irresolvable, circular polarization allows only (3/2, 5/2) for successive transitions. Momentum : 1.87 × 10 4 eV/c Doppler shift : 1.49GHz Compensating field : 0.1065T (for v=1000m/s) successive scatterings of ~10 4 photons Radiative lifetime (2p 3/2 ) 26.9ns

15 6 Li Deceleration Rate Light absorption and scattering rate power-broadened line width maximum deceleration (s 0 →∞) field, gradient and laser power This condition should NOT be satisfied at the exit. 220 Fr 7.57MHz, 5.44m/s 2.67mW/cm 2 220 Fr 6.01 × 10 4 m/s 2 220 Fr 5.952 × 10 -4 T 2 / m

16 magnet Profile coil: field gradient Bias coil: uniform shift Extraction coils: sudden drop 6 Li beam entrance 6 Li beam exit inhomogeneous solenoids MAX 0.12T MAX 0.01TMAX 0.02T

17 Example of parameter setting 929m/s→ 200m/s additional slowering as required

18 Summary Electron EDM measurment w/ spatially alternating electric field Longitudinal electric field to reduce v × E systematics Spatially alternating longitudinal electric field avoids potential accumulation. π-flip at each boundary accumulation Effect of velocity spread is minimized by alternating π-flips. Fr atomic beam, RIABR, Zeeman slowering, … Deceleration of 6 Li co-magnetometer beam design and construction


20 Francium the heaviest alkali atom accelerator prduction required Largest enehancement ( ~1000 ) PRA50,2960(1994) Alkali Low excitation enerygy Small saturation intensity ~ 3mW/cm 2 Polarization or atomic cooling 220 Fr 7s 1/2 (F=1/2) Maximum EDM spin rotation 224,226 Fr: same spin, but small production rates 6 Li : spin analogue negligible EDM

21 Electron EDM (Electric Dipole Momemnt) positronelectron 電荷分布の偏り finite EDM P-odd T-odd interaction

22 “Spin Echo”-like Method tough against velocity mismatching exact matching mismatching alternating π-flips one-way π-flips BADGOOD

23 Magnitude of the Spin-Flip field Lande-factor Rotation frequency in magnetic field passage time in spin-flip field Magnitude of the Spin-Flip field 1eV ⇔ 241.80THz 10 -19 eV ⇔ 24μHz

24 Thallium figure PRL88,071805(2002)

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