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 Great Recession. History  Great Depression  Further Regulation  No Speculating.

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Presentation on theme: " Great Recession. History  Great Depression  Further Regulation  No Speculating."— Presentation transcript:

1  Great Recession

2 History  Great Depression  Further Regulation  No Speculating

3 1980’s  Explosion of Financial Services Industry  Banks went public  WS became rich  Regan appoints Treasury Secretary

4 1980 – Early 2000’s  Period of Deregulation  Particularly in Savings & Loans  Allows speculation with deposits

5 Charles Keating  American Continental Corporation  Bought Lincoln Savings and Loan  Assets = 1.1Billion – 5.5 Billion (In four years)  Against regulation  Keating 5  Partnered with Alan Greenspan

6 1990’s  Too big to fail..  Citicorp and Travelers Merger  Too big to fail = Government Bailout  Oil Tanker

7 Dot-Com Bubble  End of 1990’s  5 Trillion in Losses  IBanks promoted companies they knew would fail (Recurring theme…)  Infospace

8 Infospace

9 Deregulation  Led to illegal activity from banks

10 Freddie Mac  Accounting Fraud  Fined $125 Million

11 Fannie Mae  Accounting Fraud  Overstated earnings by $10Billion  Fined $400Million  CEO receives $52 Million in bonuses that year

12 UBS  Helped wealthy Americans evade taxes  Fined $780 Million

13 Deregulation = Derivatives  1990’s deregulation led to boom in derivatives  Could gamble on anything  Derivatives market = $50 Trillion in late 1990’s  All unregulated  Greenspan + Summers wanted to keep derivatives unregulated

14 Derivatives Market Chart

15 Leverage and Leverage Ratio

16 Loans then  Typically the loan involved only two parties  Small bank and individual  Mortgage payments given directly to bank  Bank held mortgage until maturity  Self-fulfilling regulation

17 Loans Now

18 Growth in Lending

19 Growth in Subprime Lending

20 CDO  Collateralized Debt Obligation  Similar to MBS, just other structured debt  Sold to investors  Offsets risk  Exploded before crisis

21 CDO Issuance

22 CDS  Transfers credit exposure  From one party to next  Buyer makes payments to seller  Default gives buyer premium and IR to maturity

23 CDO Goldman Sachs  Goldman purchases CDS  Bets against own CDOs  $22Billion in CDS from AIG  More customers lost, more Goldman gains

24 Growth in CDS

25 Growth in MBS

26 Rating Agencies  Biggest rating agencies were Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s  They made money off of rating credit  The more AAA ratings they gave, the more $$  Toxic loans received AAA  Lehman rating  Court response

27 Revenue of Big 3

28 Ratings Downgrades

29 Consumer Credit

30 Home Prices

31 WS Exorbitance  Became “pissing contest, who’s was bigger?”  Lehman owned 6 jets (One a 767)  Escorts

32 Wall Street Bonuses

33 Delinquency Rates

34 Foreclosures and CDO collapse

35 Who fell?  Bear Sterns  Fannie & Freddie (Rated AAA day before takeover)  Lehman  Meryl Lynch

36 US Failed Banks

37 Commercial Papers Collapse

38 Thank you!

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