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Changing/Conflicting Attitudes p. 210. More Change As societies changed, individual and group attitudes and values changed. Traditional ideas were challenged.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing/Conflicting Attitudes p. 210. More Change As societies changed, individual and group attitudes and values changed. Traditional ideas were challenged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing/Conflicting Attitudes p. 210

2 More Change As societies changed, individual and group attitudes and values changed. Traditional ideas were challenged and some dropped. Fads and trendy ideas, were tried.

3 Cult of domesticity: * the ideal woman was the woman who stayed in and managed the home. Modeled in songs, novels, magazines, slogans “home, sweet home!” Middle and upper class practice.

4 Temperance Movement Effort led mostly by American women for a national ban of drinking alcohol. EC: Reasons (2) Male drunken violence against women and children Loss of family income and jobs due to drunkenness.

5 Elizabeth Cady Stanton: in mid 1840s, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, and she were leaders in –the movement to abolish US slavery –the gaining of women’s rights.

6 Women’s suffrage: movement to gain right to vote for women US: Seneca Falls Convention—women and men declare effort to gain women’s suffrage. Similar movements sprang up in Britain and part of Europe.

7 Sojourner Truth: African-American woman who spoke out against –mistreatment of Blacks in America also was a proponent of women’s suffrage.

8 John Dalton: English Quaker school teacher who expanded ancient Greek ideas about the atom. He is considered the pioneer of the atomic theory: All matter is composed of atoms. After his work physicists and chemists pointed their attention at identifying atoms.

9 Charles Darwin: British naturalist (biologist). 1830s, set sail on a government- sponsored scientific voyage around the world. In 1859, he published his ideas: –All forms of life, including humans, had evolved (changed slowly over time) into their present state.

10 Racism: belief that one race is superior to another…..often based on unscientific or manipulated scientific evidence or theory. “Whites” will use racism to justify taking over lands owned by non-Whites and subjugating the non-Whites to work for them and buy their products –imperialism.

11 Social gospel: Western Christian movement aimed at social work to improve the lives of those in need, even non-Westerners

12 Standards Check, p. 211 Question: Three distinct classes: –Upper –Middle –Lower

13 Infographic, p. 211 Questions: 1 Show only acceptable activities for women were in the home. 2 Similar: –Women are performing domestic activities Different: –Women shown entertaining and doing everyday chore.

14 Primary Source, p. 212 Question:’ She believes that an well-rounded education would prepare women for the unexpected make them more independent.

15 Standards Check, p. 212 Question: Women were too emotional to vote; should be protected from politics; belonged at home, not in public Political farcefarce

16 Standards Check, p. 213 Question: Fewer children needed in farms or shops; Middle class families could send kids to school.

17 Image, p. 213 Question: Girls also being taught science Bright, supplied classroom

18 Infographic, p. 215 Questions 1 Travel let him study different varieties, This gave him ideas about survival and evolution. 2 The isolated species on the Galapagos had to adapt to the environment. The Islands were a natural laboratory.

19 Standards Check, p. 216 Question Research of Lyell and Darwin challenged traditional and Biblical views.

20 Standards Check, p. 216 Question: They worked for reform and social services

21 Brief Response Why are religious fundamentalists against science in today’s world?

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