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Review of the ecosystem condition account

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1 Review of the ecosystem condition account
Workshop Developing an EU Ecosystem Accounting System Focus on ecosystem asset and ecosystem service accounts’ Copenhagen 1-2 Oct 2015 Review of the ecosystem condition account Focus on biodiversity and landscape structure Markus Erhard

2 EEA approaches for landscape structure and biodiversity Planetary boundary: ‘biosphere integrity’
Work on landscape structure and biodiversity at the EEA aims at the development of specific indicators: Biodiversity Indices of EU species (Article 17 / Art 12 reporting)  Bird population trends Landscape structure / biosphere integrity NLEP (Net Landscape Ecosystem Potential) Fragmentation Ecosystem extent and condition Ecosystem extent and flows Ecosystem condition and flows

3 SEEA Biodiversity accounts – three tier approach
UNSD 2014

4 Biodiversity: EU species (Art. 17 reporting)
Description The 1992 EU Habitats Directive requests Member States to undertake surveillance of habitats and species of Community interest (Article 11), i.e. those listed in its Annexes I, II, IV and V. Article 17 requires that Member States prepare reports to be sent to the European Commission every six years on the implementation of the Directive following an agreed format. From the first period of Art 17 reporting, we have tested using 2 variables: Prevailing trends Prevailing prospects These indicators are built by distributing the species in their favourite habitat using CORINE. We have now a second reporting period so an account could be tested, with opening and closing situation. The last period of reporting is Baseline Art 12 (Birds Directive) available  needs to be further explored  Geo-referencing and data quality is limited and spatial down-scaling increases uncertainty in the current approach (fuzzy logic)

5 Biodiversity: EU species (Art. 17 reporting)
Source: State of nature report, EEA 2015

6 Bird population data European Bird Census Council (EBCC)
Common bird species are important in terms of links with ecosystems and their services Bird data are numerous in terms of spatial and temporal coverage (most EU countries, annual updates) They are well studied and a good indicator of changing ecological conditions

7 NLEP – Net Landscape Ecosystem Potential
Description NLEP is a way to measure and assess ecosystem integrity at European scale on the basis of land cover changes. The signal of land cover changes is enhanced by the probability of presence of areas representing high species/habitats diversity and by the weighting of presence of areas with high density of transportation networks. NLEP = f (GBLI, NATURILIS, MEFF) where GBLI : Green Background Landscape Index NATURILIS : Index for protected areas MEFF : Index for fragmentation by main roads and railways GBLI and Naturilis can be calculated for many years Requires operational fragmentation indicator (work in progress 2016)  Methodological review needed

8 Landscape Ecological Potential
Corine land cover map (CLC is derived from satellite images) Green Landscape Index (derived from CLC) Nature Value (Naturilis, derived from Natura2000 designated areas) Fragmentation (Effective Mesh Size (MEFF) derived from TeleAtlas Roads and CLC) and Landscape Ecological Potential (LEP) 2000, by 1km² grid cell LEP 2000 by NUTS 2/3

9 NLEP in the context of SECA

10 Fragmentation Source: EEA/FOEN 2011

11 European Ecosystem Map: EUNIS Habitat – Land cover – Reference Data
Ecosystem extent European Ecosystem Map: EUNIS Habitat – Land cover – Reference Data Source: ETC/SIA 2014

12 Change in ecosystem extent
Source: JRC, 2015

13 Ecosystem condition Example for assessment of agro ecosystem condition (cropland and grassland)

14 Conclusions and next steps
Biodiversity: Art17 reporting operational but issues with European coverage and data quality Bird population data to be explored (EEA - JRC) Landscape Integrity nLEP partly operational (Copernicus land services, N2000) but concept to be revised Fragementation indicator revision 2016 Ecosystem extent Operational (Copernicus land services) but ecosystem maps to be improved Ecosystem condition ( planetary boundary ‘biogeochemical flows‘) Experimental work in progress

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