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Newton Central School Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017 Mission Statement We grow our tamariki to become critical and creative lifelong learners and positive.

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Presentation on theme: "Newton Central School Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017 Mission Statement We grow our tamariki to become critical and creative lifelong learners and positive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newton Central School Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017 Mission Statement We grow our tamariki to become critical and creative lifelong learners and positive participants in their communities. Mission Statement We grow our tamariki to become critical and creative lifelong learners and positive participants in their communities. Vision A school which provides leadership in achieving learning success for diverse communities through productive relationships and Tiriti-based practice. Vision A school which provides leadership in achieving learning success for diverse communities through productive relationships and Tiriti-based practice.

2 Learning Success for All Valuing People and the Environment Valuing People and the Environment Grow Unique Newton Students Modern Learning Environments Leading in Treaty and Maori Education Innovation and Practice Productive Partnerships Ko te ako te putake o te kaupapa Learning – the heart of it all He Korowai Pukenga Cloak students in the attributes for successful learning and a happy life Newton Central School Goals

3 GoalWhat this means Learning Success for All All children have their talents identified, shared and grown We ensure there is learning success for all by providing for high need groups and individuals Culturally appropriate pedagogy and practice for all Professional development, learning pathways and teaching practice support school goals Strategies 1.Use data to identify gaps and strengths, inform planning, and monitor progress. Collect data: Ongoing student assessment, Well Being Survey, Student Voice survey (Year 6), graduate profile. 2.Strengthen Professional Development (PD) procedures to ensure PD is linked to school goals and targets 3.Provide effective support and extension programmes for reading (currently Reading Recovery, Rainbow Reading and Steps Programme) and mathematics 4.Continue to prioritise smaller class sizes within resources 5.Harness the rich cultural capital which learners bring to the classroom by providing culturally responsive and engaging contexts for learning. Priorities & Targets 201520162017 1.Pasifika have been identified as a priority group for 2015-2017 to move achievement from well below or at risk to at or above expectation. 2.Update PD policy and procedure to align PD with school goals and priorities 3.Complete the first of a two year development of a mathematics support programme 4.Maintain small class sizes <25 5.Develop the graduate profile 1.Pasifika continue as a priority group 2.Demonstrate alignment of PD with policy and procedures 3.Complete the second of a two year mathematics support programme 4.Curriculum alignment with the graduate profile 1.Pasifika continue as a priority group 2.Consolidate support programme for mathematics

4 GoalWhat this means Positive & Effective Learning Environments ICT capabilities support student learning success at school and at home, and facilitate productive partnerships We build staff capability to keep pace with changing needs Our physical spaces are flexible, open, healthy and conducive to learning Strategies 1.Identify the ICT vision and strategy for Newton Central School 2.Build staff capability and confidence to integrate technology into all curriculum areas. Identify ICT leadership within staff. 3.Modernise the space to maximise flexibility and collaboration in line with the approved property development plan Priorities & Targets 201520162017 1.Draft strategic plan for ICT including whanau and whole staff input 2.Establish a Learning with Digital Technologies team 3.Complete design for the new classroom block. 4.Progress the hall redevelopment to completion of design and tendering. 1.Finalise the ICT strategic plan and align with budget, PD, new learning environments and pedagogy. 2.Complete construction of the new classrooms block 3.Complete the re-roof of the school hall. 1. Modernise Rooms 1-6

5 GoalWhat this means Valuing People and the Environment Staff, students and whanau/families are valued and celebrated We value all forms of social and cultural diversity Our school is welcoming and safe Building a strong sense of self and relationship to others Care for the environment is embedded in school practices and curriculum The curriculum reflects the value of people, culture, community and the environment Strategies 1.Incorporate contexts for learning that reflect the diversity of the community. 2.Protect and improve the natural environment to maximise students’ outdoor learning environment. 3.Incorporate environmental studies into the core curriculum 4.Establish Positive Behaviour for Learning at Newton Central Priorities & Targets 201520162017 1.Continue to embed Positive Behaviour for Learning 2.Incorporate outdoor learning objectives into the design of the new classroom block 3.Protect the natural environment in the design and locating of new classrooms 1.Consolidate Positive Behaviour for Learning 2.Protect the natural environment throughout the building process

6 GoalWhat this means Productive Partnerships The school is an integrated part of the wider community Community engagement is encouraged and valued Effective communication between the school/kura and whanau/families Family/whanau are actively engaged in student learning Strategies 1.Build and maintain multiple pathways for engagement with the school community including parent groups for Rumaki, Awahou, Kura Auraki (mainstream) in order to understand and respond to the hopes, aspirations and needs of the school community. 2.Invest in the school website as a communication channel between the school/kura and whanau/families 3.Establish classroom or team parent collectives to support teachers and student learning 4.Establish a parent education programme (how whanau can assist in student learning) 5.Explore strengthening partnerships with local businesses and community organisations Priorities & Targets 201520162017 1.Establish forums for parent and whanau engagement for junior and middle school 2.Provide opportunities for Pasifika parent involvement in line with the Pacific Nation annual plan 3.Invest in a new website 1.Establish forums for parent and whanau engagement for senior school 2.Expand whanau engagement to include parent education 3.Consolidate use of the new website 1. Consolidate regular whanau engagement and parent education

7 GoalWhat this means Leading in Treaty and Te Reo Maori Innovation and Practice A bi-culturally competent community Relationship and connection with local iwi Co-governance arrangement Treaty, Te Reo and tikanga Maori are integrated throughout the school and curriculum Maori medium pathways are integral to the school Strategies 1.Maintain co-governance arrangement and investigate an alternative constitution that institutes this co-governance model. 2.Consolidate and strengthen Maori medium pathways through quality PD opportunities for staff. 3.Encourage all staff to participate in professional development to build their capability in te reo Maori 4.Use and further develop the bi-cultural histories curriculum 5.Strengthen the reciprocal relationship between Ngati Whatua and the school Priorities & Targets 201520162017 1.Provide increased support for Te Reo and Maori culture in mainstream 2.Provide kapa haka for mainstream 3.Plan for the expansion of Awahou Whanau pathway to three classes. Board review and approval of Te Awa Hou Strategic Plan. 4.Explore an alternative constitution that institutes the co-governance model (BOT) 1.Provide increased support for Te Reo and Maori culture in mainstream 2.Expand kapa haka for mainstream 3.Support the expansion of Awahou Whanau pathway to three classes 4.Implement recommendations from the investigation into an alternative constitution (BOT)


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