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Empowering Parents Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries.

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1 Empowering Parents Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries

2 Empowering Parents the primary building block for a child’s education begins in the home a child’s first teachers are his or her parents where better to explore the beginnings of a child’s faith development than within the family? Do busy parents actually have time to nurture and train their children up in the Lord? More importantly, do they know how? Consider ways the church can respond by addressing the needs and issues surrounding the family unit

3 a few ideas for supporting parents…. Encourage teachers to pray for both child and parent. Encourage parents to be consistent in bringing their children to Sunday school. Cultivate parent/teacher apprenticeships. Provide take-home materials that reinforce the lesson. Invite parents to learn weekly Bible verses with their children. Suggest ways parents may connect the Bible lesson during the week.

4 Invite parents and grandparents to Sunday school several times during the year for family faith- building activities. Ask parents to help in the classroom or prepare snacks or materials at home. Seat families with children in the front of the sanctuary so children can see, hear and participate. Compose and duplicate worship activity bulletins especially for children. Create “pew packs” for children that include crayons, paper and theme-related coloring pages.

5 Plan worship that stimulates the senses: sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. Develop a “Church Visit” and “Visit with the Pastor” programs. Teach worship as a way of life rather than a specific time on a specific day. Include children and parents as participants in dramas during the service. Assemble worship “travel packs” during holidays so families who travel are able to worship “on the go” on the plane or in the car.

6 offer training for parents Sunday School classes with lessons on how to spiritually train your children Seminars, short evening presentations addressing current issues Intergenerational Classes Family Worship Services once a month in “Big Church”

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