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Varis 20051 E-learning and Corporate Competence in Higher Education Tapio Varis, University of Tampere, Research Centre for Vocational Education

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Presentation on theme: "Varis 20051 E-learning and Corporate Competence in Higher Education Tapio Varis, University of Tampere, Research Centre for Vocational Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Varis 20051 E-learning and Corporate Competence in Higher Education Tapio Varis, University of Tampere, Research Centre for Vocational Education Unesco Chair in Global e-Learning

2 Varis 20052 What is knowledge? From the certainty of Galilei and Newton towards chaos theory, probability and relativity Contextuality and complexity, change and uncertainty, fragmentary and holistic approach The role of tacit knowledge and art New industries each needed new concepts and knowledge to be understood Knowledge management: Anticipating changes in working life and in industrial structures Workplace skills in the 21st Century

3 Varis 20053 Public Private Partnership (PPP) Skills crisis from 1750 throughout the 19th century Industrial developments required much wider basic literacy and mathematical skills Railway communications required to develop a new understanding of time and the behaviour of mechanical machines

4 Varis 20054 Trends of the 21st Century -Technology: digitalization (from analog to digital) -Globalisation: local to global and global to local -New economy: myth or reality -Corporate competence -”A Fair Globalization: Creating opportunities for all” (ILO 2004)

5 Varis 20055 The Mission of the University (GUS)

6 Varis 20056 eLearning Competencies What knowledge and skills will enable people to do human resource development work? General competencies Management competencies Distribution method competencies Presentation method competencies

7 Varis 20057 Issues for higher education The role of network pedagogy in management E-Learning solutions to support work and business Changes and challenges: - intellectual - pedagogic - institutional Life-long learning

8 Varis 20058 Development of Learning Environments Information society skills for all Skills of educational staff Professionals in information and content industries Virtual learning environments (e- & m- learning) Electronic publication, data banks, etc

9 Varis 20059 Digital Literacy is "the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers." Paul Gilster Digital Literacy, Paul Gilster, Wiley and Computer Publishing, 1997 Digital Literacy is a way to think (“thinking skill”)

10 Varis 200510 Digital literacy is key to: Learning to learn Learning to work Facilitating job opportunities Providing each citizen with skills and knowledge to live and work Providing the confident use of new tools for assessing and using knowledge

11 Varis 200511 Basic questions Whose responsibility (society, learner?) Temporary telework, virtual family? Educational goals? Critical thinking skill Social competence Multicultural world Basic values

12 Varis 200512 From Schools to Universities Traditional and new literacies Strategic fields: active citizenship and enterpreneurship, welfare and security, sustainable development, cultural identity and awareness of cultures, media competence, technology and society

13 Varis 200513

14 Varis 200514

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