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Phrasal verb TAKE TAKE AFTER To look or behave like an older relative.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrasal verb TAKE TAKE AFTER To look or behave like an older relative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrasal verb TAKE

2 TAKE AFTER To look or behave like an older relative

3 TAKE OFF to remove a piece of clothing

4 TAKE UP to start doing something regularly as a habit, job….

5 Take in to make a piece of clothing more narrow

6 TAKE OVER To take control over something

7 TAKE OUT to take someone to a place like a cinema or a restaurant and usually pay for them

8 Ex 1 Choose the particle 1.My son has recently taken….. stamp collection as a new hobby. 2.With that nose Joe takes.... his father. 3.She is a bit bossy. She wants to take……everything I do. 4.My dress is too big. Can you take it…..? 5.She’s taking her parents …. for a dinner. 6.If you are cold take… this shirt and put on something warmer 16.12.20158

9 Ex.2Paraphrase using phrasal verb 1.The country was controlled by the army 2.He’s a naughty boy. It looks he behaves like his elder brother 3.If you want to lose weight start doing fitness 4.Jane’s friend invited her to a café 5.My skirt doesn’t fit me. Can you make it more narrow?

10 Answers Ex 1: 1-up, 2-after, 3-over, 4-in, 5-out, 6-off Ex 2: 1-take over, 2-takes after, 3-take up, 4- take out, 5-take in

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