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History Warm-Ups Week # 7 Dates : Oct. 5-9 Monday: 1. 2. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line) _______________________________________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "History Warm-Ups Week # 7 Dates : Oct. 5-9 Monday: 1. 2. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line) _______________________________________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 History Warm-Ups Week # 7 Dates : Oct. 5-9 Monday: 1. 2. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line) _______________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday: 3. 4. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line) _______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday: 5. 6. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line) _______________________________________________________________________________ Thursday: 7. 8. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line) _______________________________________________________________________________ Friday: 9. 10. (Count down 5 lines and draw a line)

2 Warm-Ups Week #7 Monday: 1. What is the phrase colonist are using because they do not have a ‘voice’ in England’s Parliament? - Down with King George - Colonists Unite - Taxation without representation is Tyranny - Tax me no more 2. What was the name of the Colonial Meeting in 1774 that pledged to Boycott all British trade and wrote statement of Grievances to England? - Constitutional Convention - Albany Plan of Union - Stamp Act Congress - First Continental Congress

3 3. The famous work of art above was created by ______________ in response to the ______________ and has lived throughout the ages as tangible evidence of the abuses of British power. - Patrick Henry…Boston Massacre - Paul Revere…Boston Massacre - Samuel Adams…Boston Tea Party - John Trumbull…Lexington and Concord 4. Which of the following can be inferred from the engraving? - The British soldiers were ordered to shoot into the crowd. - The crowd was advancing toward the British. - The incident took place in a small village. - The British had just cause to begin shooting. Tuesday:

4 Wednesday: 5. The Second Continental Congress' MOST important accomplishment was -- - approval of the Bill of Rights - developed the Articles of Confederation - creation of the Declaration of Independence - signing of the Treaty of Paris with Great Britain 6. Protests and demonstrations that followed the Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts were examples of which of the following? - boycott - civil disobedience - unalienable rights - natural rights

5 Thursday: 7. Thomas Jefferson is to the Declaration of Independence as Thomas Paine is to _________________. - Poor Richard's Almanac - The Federalist Papers - Common Sense - The Constitution 8. A _______ would have opposed the Declaration of Independence? - Patriots - Sons of Liberty - Loyalists - Federalist

6 Friday: Early Out Day 9. This quote refers to – - Magna Carta - Bill of Rights - Unalienable Rights - Rights of the Accused 10. Based upon the quote, Abigail Adams could be characterized as an early supporter of – - Laws abolishing slavery - the right of women to vote - women serving in the military - building schools with public funds … I desire you would Remember the Ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors… If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we … will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.— Abigail Adams, 1776 “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with ___________, which among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

7 C.4.U (Set Up Like W-Up page) Monday: What was written at the 1 st Continental Congress and then what was written at the 2 nd Congress? ______________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday: What are unalienable rights? What 3 examples of them did T. Jefferson? _______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday: Why did Thomas Paine write ‘Common Sense’? _______________________________________________________________________________ Thursday: _______________________________________________________________________________ Friday: What does ‘Governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed’ mean?

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