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Mon., April 27 English 10-A WOTD: none Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Mon., April 27 English 10-A WOTD: none Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon., April 27 English 10-A WOTD: none Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be given – NO EXCEPTIONS! Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & answer Qs. in chart on p. 67 & #s 1-7 p. 68 (in complete sentences) due Wed. (Bring textbooks to class on Wednesday, please!) Agenda – Collection 2: The Natural World Watch 60 Minutes Video & answer questions = due end of period! (Please start video @ 14:10 & play through to the end!)

2 Mon., April 27 English 10 pd. 2 WOTD: nepotism (on next slide  ) Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be given – NO EXCEPTIONS! Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & Answer Qs #s 1-7 on p. 68 (in complete sentences) due Thurs. (Bring textbooks to class on Thursday, please!) Agenda – Collection 2: The Natural World Watch 60 Minutes Video & answer questions = due end of period! (Please start video @ 14:10 & play through to the end!)

3 Thurs., 4/ 23- Fri., 4/24 Eng. 10 WOTD: raze STARTER: Collect Anything late research assignments HOMEWORK: Presentations Begin Thursday!!!! Be ready. AGENDA: Presentations

4 Mon., April 27 English 10 pd. 8 WOTD: nepotism Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be given – NO EXCEPTIONS! Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & Answer Qs #s 1-7 on p. 68 (in complete sentences) due Thurs. (Bring textbooks to class on Thursday, please!) Agenda PRESENTATIONS of American Phenomena Remember to give Mrs. H. your blue folder & speech rubric before you present! Everyone must pay attention/act appropriately during speeches.

5 Tues., April 28 English 10-A WOTD: none Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be given – NO EXCEPTIONS! Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & answer Qs. in chart on p. 67 & #s 1-7 p. 68 (in complete sentences) due Wed. (Bring textbooks to class on Wednesday, please!) Agenda Resume Presentations Collect blue folders & rubrics before presenting

6 Tues., April 28 English 10-A Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by TOMORROW or no credit will be given – NO EXCEPTIONS! Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & answer Qs. in chart on p. 67 & #s 1-7 p. 68 (in complete sentences) due tmrw. (Bring textbooks to class TOMORROW, please!) Agenda Finish presentations New Seats (if we have time) Begin listening to “Hope for Animals…”

7 Tues., April 28 English 10 WOTD: loquacious Starter Announcement: Any late/missing research-related assignments due by Wed., April 29 th or no credit will be given – NO EXCEPTIONS! Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & Answer Qs #s 1-7 on p. 68 (in complete sentences) due Thursday (Bring textbooks to class on Thursday, please!) Agenda Resume Presentations Collect blue folders & rubrics before presenting


9 Wed., April 29 English 10-A WOTD: menagerie Starter Collect work for from “Hope for Animals…” & ANY late research- related assignments now Homework Pd. 1 & 9 = Continue working on Pro/Con Chart Agenda Pds. 3, 6 & 9 - Finish presentations Discuss Jane Goodall Bio & “Hope for Animals…” & Letter to US Senate Begin researching Pro/Con Chart: Animal Testing

10 Wed., April 29 English 10 WOTD: menagerie Starter Collect late/missing research-related assignments Homework Read “Hope for Animals & Their World” p. 61-66 in textbook & Answer Qs #s 1-7 on p. 68 (in complete sentences) due TOMORROW (Bring textbooks to class TOMORROW, please!) Agenda Resume Presentations Collect blue folders & rubrics before presenting If time permits, work on homework assignment (see above)


12 Thurs., April 30 English 10-A WOTD: complacent Starter Discuss Collection 2: The Natural World (overview) Homework Finish your column of Pro/Con Chart by tomorrow {or you will do the entire Part C by yourself!} Agenda New Seats! (Pds. 6 & 9) Discuss Jane Goodall Bio & Letter to US Senate & “Hope for Animals…” Begin researching Pro/Con Chart: Animal Testing

13 Thurs., April 30 English 10 WOTD: complacent Starter Collect work for “Hope for Animals…” homework Homework Study List #13 – Vocabulary Quiz next Tuesday! Agenda Resume Presentations – Collect blue folders & rubrics Begin working on Jane Goodall Assignment Parts A & B


15 Fri., May 1 English 10-A WOTD: abet Starter React to the Animal Testing images (in notebook) Check Pro or Con column - Animal Testing chart Homework Finish paragraph, if more time is needed – due Mon. Agenda Discuss Pros & Cons of Animal Testing Write paragraph & finish Part C / Submit all work Videos on Monday :/

16 Fri., May 1 English 10 WOTD: abet Starter Collect late work for “Hope for Animals…” homework Homework Study List #13 – Vocabulary Quiz next Tuesday! Agenda Complete Jane Goodall Assignment Parts A & B / Get stamp Begin Part C (after speaking w/ Mrs. Humbertson)

17 Animal Testing

18 Harlow’s Monkeys 8I 8I Other websites PRO CON animal-research/ animal-research/

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