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Kennedy and the Cold War. John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon 1960 Election.

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Presentation on theme: "Kennedy and the Cold War. John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon 1960 Election."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kennedy and the Cold War

2 John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon 1960 Election

3 Do looks effect the way a person is judged? The 1960 Debate 1 st ever televised Nixon led all polls until the first of four televised debates

4 1 st of 4 debates Nixon had spent the last 2 weeks in the hospital, lost 20 pounds Refused to wear makeup and wore a gray suit Kennedy had spent the last few weeks in Ca.- tan and well rested Wore a blue suit

5 Those who listened on the radio- believed Nixon was the better choice Those who watched the debate on TV- believed Kennedy was the better choice Kennedy- “We wouldn’t have a had a prayer without that gadget”


7 Kennedy wins by less that 120,000 popular votes

8 Bay of Pigs (Cuba) 1959- Fidel Castro led an uprising that established a communist dictatorship with ties to the Soviet Union A communist country 90 miles off the coast of the U.S.



11 While Eisenhower was president the C.I.A. was secretly training and financing a group of anti- Castro refugees to invade Cuba Kennedy gave approval for the plan to proceed

12 April 1961, the invasion takes place 1500 rebels came ashore at Cuba’s Bay of Pigs- naval and air support was supposed to follow the invasion Kennedy calls off the strikes In less than 72 hours, the rebels were taken prisoner

13 The bay of Pigs embarrassed the United States and pushed the Cubans closer to the Soviets

14 Berlin Wall 1961-1989 Built to stop people from East Berlin from leaving to West Berlin Soviet built wall separating East Berlin from West Berlin East- SovietsWest- American/Allies


16 Berlin Wall












28 After 1989- End of the Cold War





33 Cuban Missile Crisis To prevent an invasion, Castro asked the S.U. for defensive weapons Soviets complied and offered defensive and offensive weapons Including nuclear missiles


35 Oct. 14 1962- U-2 spy planes Revealed missile buildup in Cuba

36 U-2 Spy Plane




40 Oct. 22, 1962- Kennedy appears on TV to announce that a blockade is now in place around Cuba and demanded the S.U. remove all missiles from Cuba What should Kennedy do?


42 Nuclear War was on the verge All Soviet Missiles were armed B-52 bombers prepared for war



45 Oct.28- Khrushchev agreed to dismantle and remove nuclear missiles in Cuba Kennedy agreed not to invade Cuba


47 U.S. Nuclear facts Total number of nuclear missiles built, 1951-present: 67,500 Total number and types of nuclear warheads and bombs built, 1945-1990: more than 70,000/ 65 types Peak number of nuclear warheads and Bombs, year: 32,193/ 1966

48 First and last test: July 16, 1945 ("Trinity") and September 23, 1992 ("Divider") Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11 Estimated 1998 spending on all U.S. nuclear weapons and weapons-related programs: $35,100,000,000


50 NORAD- Defense headquarters

51 Operation Airborne Alert Operation Chrome Dome 1961-1980- B-52’s loaded with nuclear weapons were always in the air ready to attack Operation Looking Glass 1961-1998 –


53 Mishaps that could have started a nuclear War April 1962, A B-52 loaded with nuclear weapons travels into Soviet Airspace Oct. 1962, A soviet satellite was launched and then exploded leading the U.S. to believe a ICBM was launched at the U.S. Oct. 1962, an intruder climbed a wall at a SAC base, the wrong alarm went off and instead was a nuclear attack alarm

54 Oct. 1962 An ICBM was launched from Florida to the South Pacific, Americans thought a Soviet Missile was launched Oct. 1962, A satellite orbiting over the U.S. was Mistaken for 2 soviet missiles Nov. 1962, A C.I.A spy in the Soviet Union, sent a message saying that an attack was coming Nov. 1965, a power outage caused bomb alarms to be activated, leading to the belief an attack was coming

55 Jan, 1968- A B-52 with nuclear weapons crashes over Greenland, crew had to bale out and left no time to radio HQ Oct 1973, A Defcon 3 alarm is activated at a SAC base, accidentally activated Nov. 1979, the Pentagon, NORAD, and SAC HQ all reported Soviet missiles heading towards the US, just an exercise tape (Hot Line) Nov. 1980- faulty computer chip, B-52 crews were ready to take off and missile ready to launch

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