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Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Concepts for implementing adaptive finite element codes for grid computing Krzysztof Banaś, Joanna Płażek Cracow.

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Presentation on theme: "Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Concepts for implementing adaptive finite element codes for grid computing Krzysztof Banaś, Joanna Płażek Cracow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Concepts for implementing adaptive finite element codes for grid computing Krzysztof Banaś, Joanna Płażek Cracow University of Technology

2 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Outline Motivation FEM code as grid application Current project Future plans

3 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Grid environment from application developer perspective Open environment (coupling with external modules, standardization of interfaces) High performance communication libraries Simpler code development Cooperation with other groups Broad user base

4 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 State of the art for the FEM Complex problems (nonlinear, coupled, multi- scale, multi-physics) Complex codes (adaptive meshes, multi-level solvers, parallel and distributed execution) Steep learning curves for users Unmanageable software for developers

5 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Preprocessing geometrical modeling mesh generation Postprocessing GUI interactive visualization, collaboration and steering ODE integration field discretization adaptive mesh services linear solver Computational Module Example finite element PSE

6 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Current project - existing software Adaptive FE codes in Fortran 77, Fortran 90, C Areas of application: acoustics, elasticity, compressible fluid flow, multi-phase flow, electro- magnetism hp-adaptivity Multi-level solvers Parallel versions for PVM, DSM and MPI

7 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Current project - application areas Scattering of acoustic and electro-magnetic waves

8 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Current project - application areas Subsurface flow simulation (discontinuous approximation, multi-level solvers) Solver/preconditioner Number of mesh levels 2345 GMRES/single-level block ILU9153059 GMRES/multi-level block ILU7899 Table1. Number of linear solver iterations to reach convergence

9 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Current project - application areas Compressible fluid flow

10 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Current project Modularization Standardization of interfaces Testing communication mechanisms Coupling with visualization software

11 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 FE code modules Assumptions: –code is built from small specialized modules –modules form separate libraries –modules have their own data structure –interfaces are designed for F90, C and C++ –modules may define their own data distribution –modules are glued together by problem dependent code

12 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 FE code modules Adaptive mesh procedures: –Read_mesh_data( mesh_id, read_type) –Create_node(mesh_id, parameters, &node_id) –Divide_element(mesh_id, element_id, element_sons_ids) –Get_element_father(mesh_id, element_id, &father_id) –Get_face_edges(mesh_id, face_id, face_edges_ids) –Get_element_neighbors(mesh_id, element_id, neighbors_ids) –...

13 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 FE code modules Field discretization procedures: –Get_face_dofs( field_id, face_id, dofs) –L2_project_dofs_from_element_to_element( field_id, element_from_id, element_to_id) –Get_solution_at_point( field_id, point_coordinates, solution) –Set_uniform_degree_p( field_id) –Write_element_solution( field_id, element_id, solution_dofs) –...

14 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 FE code modules Linear equations solver procedures: –Set_preconditioner_options(solver_id, preconditioner_type, preconditioner_parameters) –Assemble_element_stiffness_matrix( solver_id, assembly_type, block_sizes, block_positions, stiffness matrices, load_vectors) –Solve_system(solver_id) –Store_face_solution( solver_id, face_id, dofs) –Free_solver_memory(solver_id) –...

15 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Why adaptive FE code can be attractive as grid application? Powerful tool for scientific and engineering analysis Complex, multi-component code Large amounts of data produced and exchanged among modules Adaptive meshes require adaptive resources

16 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 5-6, 2001 Future plans Sky is the limit... Open, flexible, extensible FE software Large-scale distributed computing Integrated problem solving environment

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