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Introduction English please…. Ton de Kraay MH.08.017 010 794 4366

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1 Introduction English please…. Ton de Kraay MH.08.017 010 794 4366

2 Lesson 1 planning Attendance Introduction course Classroom language Four phase model theory Questions (last 10 minutes)

3 The course 4 questions: 1. Why in English? 2. Why English? 3. What are the goals? 4. What are the assignments?

4 1.Why in English? Classes are in English Your opinion & experiences The situation: Targetlanguage use Classroom English

5 2.Why English? English in primary school …. Waste of time? Good idea? Advantages and disadvantages?

6 A good idea because … Future: lingua franca of the western world Present: all around them: music, computer etc Psychological: the younger you are the better you are at learning languages European law: young children should be educated two (foreign) languages Abstract thinking: children who learn a second language may get better at other subjects as well

7 A waste of time because … primary education has a full programme already time spent on English is not spent on Dutch other languages may be more important (Chinese, Spanish) in other parts of the world at secondary school they start all over again

8 3. Some goals: the student … knows relevant theories, didactic principles, activities, and materials related to foreign language learning. can apply this knowledge to create English learning activities for children can use this knowledge to assess and adapt textbooks for English learn to work with the four-phase model can practise his/her English in a safe and pleasant environment.

9 4. The assignments are… 1. How brilliant are you? 2. How is ‘your’ school doing? 3. Homework…. 4. Tell me a TPR story 5. No-problem in English 6. Notes 7. Reflection Classes are compulsory, mandatory and obligatory

10 4. The assignments part II 1. Do the CEF checklist and give 2 examples/skill 2. Answer the questions from the Ass. 1 3. Do the exercises from Oskam 4. Write a 275 word story you cab use as TPR 5. Present a No-problem in English 6. Take notes important info and activities 7. Answer the questions from the Ass. 2 Classes are compulsory, mandatory and obligatory

11 No problem Example 1. Useful language activity 2. Use classroom English Write down names no-problem

12 Four phases Introduction Input Output Transfer

13 Good introduction phase Motivate Activate latent vocabulary Share vocabulary Pre-teaching words input phase Link school subject ~ real world Ideas?

14 Introduction: some ideas Bring along objects/magazines Word web Collage Post-its

15 Collage. Theme: English is everywhere

16 Good input phase Listening text/reading text Spoken language → written language New language input Check understanding No writing yet Listening comprehension exercises: multiple choice / true-false/pictures etc.

17 Checking input


19 Input Receptive English, not productive Ideas for activities?

20 Input: understanding Picture dictation Colouring picture Flash cards Simon says TPR

21 Good output phase Reproduction → production Checked → open Choral work → dialogues → variations in dialogues Words, chunks, phrases

22 Output: from checked to open

23 Output: activities Flashcards I spy with my little eye Mime dictation in pairs Dialogues

24 Good transfer phase Language use; improvise Everything so far Not too open: clear context Real life situations Role plays, games, presentations Not many corrections Ideas?

25 Tranfer: write a story about your Saturday

26 Theory four phase model 1: 2: 3: 4:

27 Questions?

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