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Chapter 5 Westward Expansion. Cultures Clash on the Prairie Culture of Indians vs Settles Why would the cultures clash? What did they clash over? What.

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1 Chapter 5 Westward Expansion

2 Cultures Clash on the Prairie Culture of Indians vs Settles Why would the cultures clash? What did they clash over? What was the result? 84 84

3 Culture of Plains Indians Great Plains Iowa, Sioux, Cheyenne (Sophisticated tribes) Indians valued land, could not be owned How did horses change their way of life? Family life


5 Settlers Go West Settlers believed land could be owned Believed the land was “unsettled” Silver and Gold lured settlers

6 Government vs Native Americans Railroads push west Massacre at Sand Creek 150 women and children killed Bozeman Trail Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull Treaty of Fort Laramie Map on Page 205


8 Bloody Battles Continue Red River War How did the army win? Custer proclaims gold in west Gold Rush is on

9 Custer’s Last Stand The Battle of Little Big Horn June 1876 General Custer ambushed by Crazy Horse, Gall, Sitting Bull and their warriors Custer and all of his men were killed By 1876 Sioux were defeated

10 Custer’s Last Stand Dc&feature=relmfu Dc&feature=relmfu

11 Assimilation What is assimilation? Dawes Act Americanizing the Native Americans The Destruction of the Buffalo

12 Buffalos 1800- 65 million 1870- 1,000 (none in the wild) 1900- less than 600 Today- 260,000

13 Battle of Wounded Knee Sioux are suffering from poverty and disease The Ghost Dance Sitting Bull is killed in 1890 300 starving and freezing Sioux are massacred The Native American Era Ends gKs gKs

14 Cattle Become Big Business Cattle flourished. Why? Vaqueros and Cowboys Texas Longhorns Cattle Drives begin Growing cities cause growing demand for beef Cow Towns Chisholm Trail Map pg. 209

15 Cattle Today Is Cattle still big business today?

16 Life of a Cowboy Hard work, not like the movies 25% African American, 12% Mexican Long days, dangerous Round up The long drive Would you have liked to be a cowboy?

17 Legends of the West Wild Bill Hickok Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday Billy the Kid Annie Oakley Calamity Jane

18 Legends of the West Tombstone

19 The Open Range Ends Why did the open range end? What happened to the wide open west? Q44 Q44

20 Settling on the Great Plains

21 Settlers Move West to Farm 250 years to change 400 million acres of prairie into farm land 2 nd 400 million acres only took 30 years Why did the 2 nd 400 million go so fast?

22 Railroads Open the West Government gives railroads land Railroad companies begin to race Immigrants, minorities do most of the labor What impact did the railroads have on the west?

23 Government Support Homestead Act- Giving away free land!!!!! 600,000 American families Exodusters Private speculators, companies, government took most of it Only 10% actually settled by families Why is Oklahoma known as the sooner state? Picture on pg 215


25 The Frontier Closes Preserve what is left of the West Yellowstone National Park created in 1872 By 1890 The Frontier no longer exists

26 Challenges of the Plains Severe weather, outlaws, raids The population still rapidly increased What is a soddy? What was the women’s role? New technology- John Deere The Morrill Act- Agricultural Education

27 Farmers in Debt Why did farmers go in debt? Bonanza farms What do farms look like today?

28 Famers and the Populist Movement Section 3 Farmers are suffering and unite Farms were being foreclosed Crop prices are dropping Good farming land is scarce Railroads exploiting the farmers Cartoon on pg 220

29 Farmers Suffer What was the currency issues? What were greenbacks? Railroads took advantage of farmers Big corporations of their day

30 Famers Unite Oliver Hudson Kelly and the Grange What was the purpose of the Grange? Farmers Alliances 4 million members What happens when groups organize?

31 Populist Party What was populism? The peoples party!!

32 Populist Party Economic reforms What were some of the reforms they called for? Do we still see them today? 10% of popular vote in 1892 What caused the Panic of 1893

33 Silver or Gold? Political Parties became divided What was the division? Bimetallism or the gold standard? Graph on pg 222

34 Election of 1896 William Mckinley William Jennings Bryan Election of 1896 outcomes Populism ends with Mckinley’s election

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