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Volgograd State Technical University Applied Computational Linguistic Society Undergraduate and post-graduate scientific researches under the direction.

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Presentation on theme: "Volgograd State Technical University Applied Computational Linguistic Society Undergraduate and post-graduate scientific researches under the direction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volgograd State Technical University Applied Computational Linguistic Society Undergraduate and post-graduate scientific researches under the direction of Doctor of Science, professor Alla V. Zaboleeva-Zotova

2 Emotionally-Oriented Interface Inna Baselceva The aim: To improve comfort level of user work on personal computer by means of user’s interface. Research direction: Intellectual interfaces. Abstract: Development of emotionally-oriented interface is based on individual approach. An interactive model construction takes place while a person is working on computer. In order to succeed in this task a new fundamental approach to a human psychodiagnostics during computer usage is introduced. It considers specificity of the interface itself as well as user interaction with software.

3 Web-Based Research-Information Systems Of Scientific Information Marat Dzhexembaev The aim: To increase the efficiency of the storage, access and retrieval procedures for scientific relative information in different data domains. Research direction: Designing and development of relative information retrieval methods based on semantic and lexical text analysis. Practical application: Development of web-based research-information systems, implementing created retrieval methods, for different scientific data domains.

4 Designing Of The Software In The Limited Natural Language Nikolai Dogadin, Yulia Orlova The aim: To Increase efficiency of engineering of the software. Abstract: The system is intended for reduction of time expenses by designing of the software due to the analysis of the text technical the task, written on the certain rules, and synthesizings of variants of internal structure of the developed software. The system also synthesizes the accompanying documentation. For today there are no the analogues completely covering functions of system. All existing software products are intended for the help to designing at later design stages and do not mention initial.

5 The automated system of arrangement of the personnel Alexandra Il’inskaya The aim: To reduce software design and development time cost. Research direction: Creating of the minimization algorithm for project realization- time basing on genetic algorithms. Practical application: Design and development of the system that allows distribute human resources between project task taking into consideration personal abilities and professional skills of the person.

6 Research Of The Temporal Logics Abilities For Creating The Description Of Intentional Characteristics Of The Complex Systems Evgeniy Lebedev Abstract: Current work is dedicated to creation of the description model for agent’s intentional characteristics. The following results were achieved: The requirements for representation model of intentional characteristics have been formulated, basing on analysis of various possible formalities The requirements for representation formalities of intentional characteristics have been defined; The model describing agent’s intentional characteristics on basis of temporal logic has been created. The future work includes proof of the adequacy, completeness and consistency of the model

7 Tools Development for Computer Aided Software Engineering based on Technical Specification's Text Analysis Yulia Orlova The aim: Increase of the software engineering efficiency through automatic specifications analysis tools development Abstract: The model for submission of the requirements to the software on early design stages is offered. Model input is the requirement specification written in the limited natural language, its output is a set of the data flows diagrams, describing the program system. The software requirements model consists of two levels: Natural Language, level of specification on the limited natural language Formal Model, level of the description of limitations on the graphic Data Flow Diagrams language Structurally level NL can be divided into two parts: the frame model the grammar of software specification on the limited natural language. According to the proposed model, the system can be considered as a black box. System behavior specification can be treated as a description of functions and data flows.

8 Automatic Synthesis Of Neural Net Optimally Fitting Approximation Of The Functions Given By Learning Sample Il’ya Prokhorov The aim: Development of the model for automatic synthesis of neural nets optimally fitting approximation of the functions given by learning sample. Abstract: The model was created on the base of the developed criteria that allows to evaluate the quality of neural nets without them being trained; Model input includes: Learning samples Accuracy List of neuron types. Model output is a trained neural net with a minimal number of neurons and synapses that allow to achieve prescribed accuracy.

9 Emotionally-Oriented Interface Vladimir Rozaliev Subject: Research and development of the emotional oriented interface. Abstract: For a long time emotions have been kept out of the deliberate tools of science; scientists have expressed emotion, but no tools could sense and respond to their affective information. The aim of the current work is to increase the effectiveness of user interaction through emotional-oriented interface. The user model considering user emotional state is introduced. The evaluation process evaluation of human speech emotionality is currently being researched.

10 Semantic Modelling in Software Engineering Mikhail Roshchin The aim: To support automated software development based on the reuse of components providing sufficient formal semantic descriptions together with methods and techniques for interpretation, validation and adaptation of acquired knowledge according to the particular task The project consists of: The concept of Triple Semantic Model – provides distributed semantics on three stages: Ontology, Dynamic Annotation, Annotation The concept of Logic-on-Demand – allows the use of different logical formalism based on the one ground – Description Logics Automated methods and techniques to handle and support software development, provided as logic inferencing and reasoning tasks Extension of Model-driven software development with ontology-driven software development techniques

11 Intelligence–Information Support Of Planning Of Activity Of The Chief Of The Enterprise Sergey Tolchev Abstract: The occurrence of new information and communication technologies results in change of information support of planning of activity of the chief of the enterprise, and necessities of search or formation of new information maintenance allowing effectively to reconstruct work of the chief. The advantages of use of personal computers and other electronic systems for assistance in organization of businesses become obvious. It is the ideal tool for storing and management of such information, as names, addresses, plans, and also business contacts and meetings. During the carried spent analysis the systems - analogues were analysed, their advantages and lacks are revealed, that has allowed to generate set of the requirements subject realization in developed system. The novelty of system consists in application of intelligence - information functions providing the chief of the enterprise intelligence - information with support in the field of planning of activity. The system is designed for application, both inside the large enterprises, and for common use in a network the Internet.

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