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Date: in 12 pts The Second Africa-EU initiative: Harmonisation, Quality and Accreditation supporting PAQAF Deirdre Lennan, European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: in 12 pts The Second Africa-EU initiative: Harmonisation, Quality and Accreditation supporting PAQAF Deirdre Lennan, European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: in 12 pts The Second Africa-EU initiative: Harmonisation, Quality and Accreditation supporting PAQAF Deirdre Lennan, European Commission

2 Harmonisation of Higher Education in Africa Global objective  Contribute and support the harmonisation of higher education programmes and the creation of a revitalised, distinctive, attractive and globally competitive African higher education space, through enhanced intra-African collaboration Two interlinked areas of focus  Harmonisation and Tuning initiative  Support to Harmonisation, Quality and Accreditation 2

3 Overview  2014 EU-Africa Summit Roadmap  Launch: Spring 2015  Implementation: 3 years  Financing instrument: Pan African Programme (DCI)  Funding: € 5 million  Complementary actions: Intra-Africa Mobility, Erasmus+  Review: 2017 for the next Africa-EU Summit  Possible continuation until 2020 3

4 Context  A number of key challenges for quality and accreditation and possible way forward were identified by stakeholders at the Exploring Quality Assurance through the Africa-EU Partnership Conference in Libreville, Gabon in May 2013 and in Brussels in March 2014.  Feasibility study on the Development of Continental Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework under the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) Support Mechanism presented to the 6 th ICQAHEA in Bujumbura.  Stakeholders consultation organised by AUC/AAU in Ghana, May 2015  Validation workshop organisated by AUC/AAU in Ghana, July 2015 4

5 Specific objectives Harmonisation and Tuning: Scale up the Harmonisation and Tuning pilot initiative which took place over the period 2011-2013 from 60 to 120 universities and from 5 to a minimum of 7 subject areas by establishing new degree programmes, teaching, learning and assessment methods and defining joint agreements in subject areas. Quality and Accreditation: Support the development of a harmonised quality assurance and accreditation system at institutional level, national, regional and Pan-African continental level. 5

6 Outcomes Quality and Accreditation Common understanding and common language of the topic of quality assurance in higher education developed and agreement on the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in it promoted. Development of a Pan-African Quality Assurance and Accreditation System (including the implementation of AQRM, African Quality Assurance Framework, Continental Accreditation Agency and related issues) communicated to stakeholders and supported. Based on the developed continental framework, standards and guidelines on quality assurance in Africa, developed as a collective effort of all stakeholders in higher education. Discussion platform on quality assurance, covering good practice, initiatives, tools, information guidelines and experts designed, established and maintained. New national quality assurance agencies supported and existing agencies strengthened. Quality assurance culture developed in higher education institutions. 6

7 Principles Many of these areas activities have already been developed or are under development by a variety of national, regional and pan-African entities. Any further cooperation and capacity building activities should carefully take such existing activities into account and build on their results Involvement of all stakeholders Ownership Openness and transparency Complementary actions and alignment 7

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